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15 Jobs That Robots Are Stealing from Humans!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : December 18, 2017 2197
15 Jobs That Robots Are Stealing from Humans!

Advancement in technology is actually leading to unemployment in different fields. Employers usually believe, instead of spending on 100 people they should spend on a single machine that could perform the task of 100 people. Because of these, robots have come up into existence as well. And these robots have actually earned the jobs of many in various fields. According to a recent report, 38% jobs in US are going to be replaced by robots by the year 2030. And 10 million people will lose their jobs in UK because of them.

So, what are the particular areas hosted by robots? How robots are kicking out human earnings? What are the areas being actually replaced by Robots? Here is the list:

15. Sports Referees

For human umpires it was a matter of big time to decide over a decision. But now all these issues are handled by video technology with less chances of mistakes. Just in a matter of seconds fans get to know whether the decision is for or against them. In fact, they can’t blame anyone because video technology is always accurate. Baseball is one of the most relied sport on technology. It is already a tested and automated system which provides us with the results within seconds.

14. Manufacturing

Robotic labour is extensively used for manufacturing in industries which reduces the manual effort of human. A single manufacturing machine could replace a big number of people. They are used in almost every industry, whether it is making a small needle or a large automobile. Unlike the static robotic arms, more flexible and intelligent robots are being used that performs more than one task at a time. Donald trump blames China for making these robots that will eventually leads to the loss of jobs of people in US manufacturing industries. But as a matter of fact, 88% of 5 million jobs were stolen from this sector by ROBOTS!

13. Bank Tellers

Long ago, bank tellers used to do the jobs but now online banking has added a new dimension. The officers and managers already use computers and other machines to calculate and work out whether the customer is a safe stake to loan money. So why is a person in between as a channel? Let’s give a chance to a Robot who would definitely do this in less time. This is already being the case for online loan firms. But ultimately, the only person left in the bank would be a computer repairer.

12. Fast Food

Have you ever noticed in the fast food centers they tell you the accurate time of waiting for the food? This is so because most of the task is automated behind. These automatic machines do most of the task but the only requirement is of a person who interacts with the customer. But if such Robots are built that could also interact with customer then? Obviously, there will be least possible human interaction and the whole process will be robotic. Just imagine you’re sitting in a McDonalds and KFCs with rots on their counters taking your orders. Wouldn’t its sound crazy?

11. Construction Workers

Just like the manufacturing industries are going to be fully robotic very soon, robots are also being developed for construction purpose. The basics are approximately same when you are constructing a building or an automobile. So, why not let the robots do this task? It will also reduce fights between peoples at construction industries. There are already some robots introduced for these industries which could actually lay and arrange bricks faster as compare to manual method. So, if this is possible then why not take a chance on another task? Such robots are just on their way and they will soon tower a house more easily and quickly than humans.  

10. Financial Analysts

Most of the traders have already relied much on such apps that guide them to trade by analyzing the market situation. Then financial analysts will get off on from now as the robots play their role as financial analysts in stock exchange area in place of their rich owners. They could also perform human analysis which will lessen the chances of error; the whole process will be purely factual. So I guess Financial Analyst’s countdown is started!

9. Farmers

Much of the process of farming has been already replaced by developed machines. There are so many machines like milking machines, sheep shaving machines and even machines assist you to keep your sheep in a queue. Most of the farming stuff is also done by robots. When robots can do these tasks, it can also do cultivation. As a matter of fact, robots will be pruning and picking fruits faster than humans. So why not get the task done by robots and let’s sit aside and work out another thing?

8. Telesales

Robots have already earned their status in Telesales, as we have operators on phone calls that let us choose our desires. We don’t need to chat or interact with agents, just selecting the option with the help of robotic operators, we get our job done. Instead of hiring a huge number of agents for interacting with customers, just install a small system and get the service done by robots. There are also such systems which offer you an option of languages. So, whatever your language is, you can do your work easily without any such problem.

7. Librarians

Oh, the librarians are supposed to be quiet in the library? Agree? Then why not submitting the job to silent robots? You know it will become so easy because they will just scan the book’s code and put them on the right place just in seconds. Also, when you need a book the librarian is required to search out the list. So, if there are robots that have all the data of library saved in their memories, they would tell you the correct shelf within less time. The average modern library with robots at the helpdesk would be much more effective than those old-fashioned libraries.

6. Journalists

What do news sites do? They take so many news from Press release and then repeat them continuously. What do journalists do? They take interviews and record some scenes and these scenes are recorded by one and only machine. So why not let a robot go and records those scenes? In fact, there could be bullet prove robots which could go in the worst situation and bring news on time. What about robot newscasters? They can read out news on news channels, prepared already by other robots.

5. Insurance Agents

This is another career where robots have started fitting themselves. When you make any claim or apply for insurance, your mediator doesn’t work but they pass it on to the machines that already have software feed in them. The calculations are so complex in insurance firms that they are done by computers. And the last part is about sales which is also under the threat of recently developed robots.

4. Security Guards

A lot of duties of security guards have already been replaced. Like scanning the ID card, counting number of people or checking out is there any weapon or not. In military purposes robotics are also used as assistance. Soon security guards will be vanished from malls, organizations, firms and even from armed forces. Robots could easily be developed in a manner that they could easily use incapacitating sprays when require. In fact, they wouldn’t have the feeling of hurting someone.

3. Movie Stars

Prediction of robots was already done by a TV show Futurama, set in the year 3000 where all the actors were robot. We do have some other Bollywood and Hollywood movies with robots performing some characters. Machines are also playing their roles in creating off and onset characters like Gollum in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the alien creatures in Avatar. So how long would it take to transform robots into our favorite actors?

2. Bartenders

What if these places install machines at the back and serve more quickly as compare to human? They can serve more booze to more people at a time. In fact, if there will be robots, it will become easy to check whether the penny is original or not? Or whether the ID card is fake or not? It would be really very comfortable on the hands of customers as well as owners of the bars. The whole process would be so handy and fast.

1. Taxi Drivers

Can you imagine a cab without any driver? Although, we have such cabs that have an automated system which make the process of driving easy for drivers. What if there are such robots that could track the traffic through a wifi type of system and pick the way where there is less traffic? It would be the best way to get rid of such traffic-jam. In fact, it would end up the cases of harassment which girls nowadays face while travelling in cabs alone.

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