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5 Tips to Sell Your Property Fast!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : November 16, 2017 2403
5 Tips to Sell Your Property Fast!

Although, your presence is quite obvious to give the buyer all the necessary details regarding house, however potential buyers find it more comfortable to survey the house keenly in your absence. Moreover, they hesitate to visit the place if a family is already living casually in a house.

Note: A research conducted by National Association of Realtors which shows that the prime reason behind the pending sell of a house is that the Seller and his family stay in the house all informally while buyers visit the house.

True Buyers always want to check: they’ll check the condition of the house including cabinets and closets, look inside the home appliances and uncover your floor to check for scratches. They’ll do proper inspection and would never want get disturb due to your presence.

The purpose of most showing is to let the Buyer relate to your property and it begins with his comfortability to explore. No satisfaction = No Interest.

Put yourself in buyer’s shoe: why you shouldn’t be home while showing? Well, Hearing buyers commenting on your choice of theme or wallpaper. Or even planning to refurnish the house you decorated some time ago would bother you.

Thus you better look for all the nearby cafes and parks. Go to theater, or discuss it with your friend for your temporarily stay at theirs.


In order to present your house a nice way, you need to turn on the lights as you leave the place. Buyers like to be in a brighter place and no one wants to get lost in a strange basement for a light switch.

Make the arrangements earlier. If you are expecting the visitors on weekend then before weekend you have to turn the lights off at the end of each day to not to welcome thieves in a fully lighten up house in the middle of nights.


Despite all the struggles, at times clients will be missed. Sometimes it’s for a genuine reason and sometimes it’s just irresponsible attitude. However many clients along with their agents will take off their foot wears, very rare, they don’t mind to track dirt through your floor. Also too rare still possible: agents miss to lock the door; your stuff not remains unbroken; they might use your bathroom and don’t bother to flush. They open a window and forget to close. They might lack feelings for your pet and let your cat out.

This is not really funny when any of such mess happens. You need to talk to your agent prior to the deal that nothing should get out of order and you won’t afford any loss. Another important thing is to see the big picture and try to avoid mishaps and arguments if they are trivial.


Since weekdays and 9-5 work hours are usually packed for most of the buyers, whereas they are available at evenings and on weekends to visit your place. Limiting show times means limiting the no. of Buyers.

Less no. of Buyers = a decreasing selling price.
Suggested show timings lie between 10 and 8 pm, 7 days a week. Most sellers accept to leave city for this showing period to go for easy access and cleanliness.

Regular showings are arranged for about an hour….however in reality, the usual showing lasts hardly for 15 minutes. You must have seen that most visitors schedule a one-hour appointment to survey your house. Yet they consider this less to spend their one real hour in your home and more for them adding time for traffic and the others that include seeing other properties in same day.

Buyers who take longer in your home, are basically signaling interest. So that’s a good thing anyway.

Many Sellers allow showings to 30 minutes only for their personal convenience; though this is your prerogative, but don’t forget that you would unintentionally reduce the number of Buyers this way. A little positive that comes along quick Buyers or exhausted agents who are fed up of red lights to make a time slot.


Once your home is listed, now you have to always leave the stuff in perfect condition. When you are about to go out;

  • Set the beds (off course, daily)
  • Clear the kitchen counter – do the dishes, clear the space.
  • Keep the bathroom clean – through the useless stuff and put away the unnecessary things, hang up towels, put away the clothes, clear the floor.
  • Thrash the garbage.
  • Clean the liter
  • Sweep/vacuum/wash floors
  • Put away the assets
  • Turn the lights ON

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