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A Ferry Service is Launching Very Soon!!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : June 13, 2018 3082
A Ferry Service is Launching Very Soon!!

Discover yourselves on seashores with the new experience of traveling from one place to another. Another update from Vancouver announces a new passenger ferry service which is in pending and quite delayed for sometimes.

On Facebook, an apology asked by the IFS (Island Ferry Services) company for the delay and interruption of the service to their travelers. The company also talked about his consignment which is collaborated with the Translink. Last year, a permission for the customers was made to get their noncompetitive high-speed ferry service on the lease for parties which would be routed on the Sea Bus terminal at Waterfront Station in downtown Vancouver and it was the IFS that was selected.

The Ferry is optimized with the latest ramps and fenders. The ships will carry-on outer berth rather than inner birth.

Our commercial negotiations with TransLink are under a very restrictive non-disclosure agreement. As such, we cannot and will not speak to the details other than to say that the discussions are positive and that there are few remaining issues,” reads the post.

The authority of Port of Vancouver (VFPA) is somehow responsible to maintain the activities on schedule and proper time. They are also responsible for the delay and the interruption.

“We did not anticipate that the very minor works required to the outside of the SeaBus Terminal would require a comprehensive permit application to the VFPA – including a separate environmental assessment focused on the potential impact of our operations on marine mammals,” reads the post.

The permit application and associated study were recently submitted but approval can take up to 60 days.”

In order to achieve the purpose and paradigm related to the environmental assessment, a leased space for the terminal is required by the Nanaimo Port Authority which is finally completed.

Approximately, 40 billion dollars are invested by the Island ferries on its Singapore construction project. The other operational services that should be managed before the launch are setting up back-office, business operations, hiring and training ship and terminal staff, and the testing of the ship from the construction yard.

About 376 passengers can travel on the new ferries with the speed of 40 knots (75 km/hr.). Previously, BC ferries took 100 extra minutes of traveling which didn’t include driving time to and from the Horseshoe Bay. But now, the distance becomes shorter from Vancouver to downtown Nanaimo. The fares are very reasonable and start from $25.00.

“This is a complex, expensive undertaking with many moving parts (some of which have been most unexpected), yet we are working diligently through the regulatory processes to ‘keep those parts moving in the same direction’, and get this service underway,” continues the post.

“We are still investing on this project and remain fully committed to providing this much needed, and highly desired, Nanaimo-Vancouver service.”

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