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And They Lived Happily Ever After!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : June 28, 2018 2072
And They Lived Happily Ever After!

Yeah one of our favorite couples are finally bonded together by the beautiful relationship of marriage. And I am sure nobody could resist of how they looked happy on their big wedding when they started their fairytale.

Oh yeah, you are right! We are discussing about Jon Snow our very favorite Kit Harington and Ygritte known as Rose Leslie who never failed to raise the rate of our heart beats! 

This couple, Harington and Leslie had their Matrimonial ceremony on 23rd June 2018 in Aberdeen, Scotland. This couple started dating right after their characters convened onscreen and it was a distinctive wedding themed as ‘Scottish-style wedding.’

The ritual was chaired by the cleric in a cathedral and was as conventional as it went. To be honest let’s just stop it and ready for jaw-dropping moments. So. get excited to see all the pictures.

1.     Look at the most endearing couple

2.     Perfectly hand in hand

3.      So happy together

4.     They are truly made for each other.

5.     There bond was made high up in the sky.

6.     Yeah, I know the love is in the air.

7.     Jon Snow’s melts our heart away


8.     See, how beautiful she looks



9.     When she was ready to walk down the aisle with her father

10.                        And they lived happily ever after!

 Sophie Turner and Maisie William were there too at their onscreen brother’s wedding.

Emilia Clarke too showed up.

Marcus Mumford looks damn handsome.

Our favorite Peter Drinklage.

Sam, Gendry and Vary look stunning. Have a look!

Malin Ackerman with boyfriend, Jack Donelly.

…And they lived happily ever after!

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