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Ash Wednesday Vs Mardi Gras Vs Pancake Day Vs Rio Carnival: The Interlinks Between the Four!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : February 15, 2018 2272
Ash Wednesday Vs Mardi Gras Vs Pancake Day Vs Rio Carnival: The Interlinks Between the Four!

Well, no one knew but these four festivals are interlinked with each other.

It seems that the egg-pan and dancing girls in Brazilian festival are the two faces of the coin.

You will be astonished to know that the Pancake Day, Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday along with Lent are all somehow joined together.

The Brazilian Rio Carnival, everyone has heard of it, brings many revelers together on one place to hop and bounce around in cheerful and lively manner. People dance on the streets, stretching this carnival into the Lenten season.

Such parades and events held every year around the grounds of Brazil and South America and some other countries of the globe like France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and many US cities.

All these events and celebration have one thing in common, that is, they all must end on Mardi Gras day. also called as Fat Tuesday and Shrove Tuesday.

The Ash Wednesday depends on Lunar dates that’s why there is no actual date of it and it changes every year.

And when Mardi Gras ends, Ash Wednesday is celebrated. The Lent day is a period when many Christians believe to fast regularly for six weeks until they enter the Easter.

This time, Mardi Gras happens to be on 13th February and Ash Wednesday unites with Valentine’s day on 14th February.

Ash Wednesday is observed after Fat Tuesday. This day is meant to purify the soul before entering into the Lent Season.

People use ashes to make a cross on the forehead of churchgoers, this is a way to represent the sign of repenting from sin.

Palm crosses are used to burn and their ashes are worn by the worshippers. These palm crosses are obtained from the last Palm Sunday. It is a way of reminding that death is a destiny of every person.

Before fasting period of Lent, Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday arrives. On this day, people believe to eat up all rich fatty foods. So, Lent day comes after the celebration of good times.

This way Pancake Day initiates with the same thing. On the other hand, the word Shrove Tuesday is derived from a word Shrive which means forgiveness from sins by practicing self-punishment.

The Mardi Gras celebrations include the festive like vivacious masks and dresses, parades, dancing madly and many more.

Some people think it as less fun than tossing pancakes and some just opposite of it.

It is surveyed that about 2 million people head towards Rio de Janeiro to enjoy the carnival each year.

Brazil opens its arms to invite in 70 percent of its tourists specifically in the Mardi Gras season.

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