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Canada’s City of North is Asking to Impose a Ban on Cannabis!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : June 05, 2018 2678
Canada’s City of North is Asking to Impose a Ban on Cannabis!

Another decision and an initiative take place by the officials of City council on Monday night. The poll is selected as 5-1 in the favor to ban a plant Cannabis and its dispensaries in the City of North Vancouver. The Mayor of a city Rod Clark was the only one who cast an opposite vote.

The operation is carried out by the authorities i.e. Cannabis Regulation: Zoning and Business License Bylaw Amendments with three motions to put forward.

Each motion stands on the same matter which is to ban the illegal production and sale of cannabis in the city “to prohibit non-medicinal cannabis production and sales in the City.”

For the issue of cannabis legalization coming up this summer, the city is not the only one Lower Mainland municipality to show its opposition to legalization.   

In the previous year, Richmond city council sent a letter to provincial and federal govt for its opposition to cannabis legalization.

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