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Canada’s McGill University Beats Others in the World Reputation Rankings!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : June 07, 2018 2666
Canada’s McGill University Beats Others in the World Reputation Rankings!

According to the annual survey conducted by the Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings, McGill University beats others and proves itself. The survey took place between January and March.

One of the best institution which stands on the third position in Canadian universities and 41 among different educational centers around the world.

As compared to the previous year, the ranking is much better and a little bit improved for Canada, as McGill last year stands on 42nd position.

The other Canadian universities are also included in this ranking. The University of British Columbia goes up on two spots on the 38th position as compared to 2017 and the University of Toronto is placed on the 22nd position on the list, two positions up from last year.  

The report is the “world’s largest invitation-only opinion survey of senior, published academics. It asks scholars to name no more than 15 universities that they believe are the best for research and teaching in their field, based on their own experience.”

The University of Harvard maintains its position since last eight years from the 100 universities in the world with other 43 universities in the US on the list.

The results revealed on May 30th.  

Here is the complete list:

The Top 25 World Reputation Ranking, According to Times:

  1. Harvard University, US

  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US

  3. Stanford University, US

  4. University of Cambridge, UK

  5. University of Oxford, UK

  6. University of California, Berkely, US

  7. Princeton University, US

  8. Yale University, US

  9. University of California, Los Angeles, US

  10. University of Chicago, US (tied for 9th)

  11. California Institute of Technology, US

  12. Columbia University, US

  13. The University of Tokyo, JP

  14. Tsinghua University, CN

  15. Univerity of Michigan, US

  16. University of Pennsylvania, US

  17. Peking University, CN

  18. Cornell University, US

  19. UCL, UK

  20. Imperial College London, UK

  21. Johns Hopkins University, US

  22. ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, ZH

  23. University of Toronto, CA (tied for 22)

  24. National University of Singapore, SG

  25. London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

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