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Check Out these 9 Typical European Dishes with their Correct Pronunciation!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : August 28, 2018 2404
Check Out these 9 Typical European Dishes with their Correct Pronunciation!

Commencing with andouillette to smalahove, these are the 9 strangest dishes which are difficult for everyone to pronounce. Taking this opportunity to share how much we’ve always been lucky and blessed, there are thousandths of dishes from different cultures whose scrumptious taste and remarkable presentation is eye-witnessed. However, there are many that we’ve only heard of but have not tried yet.

Babbel, an app took out time to gather the list of the most scrumptious dishes from Europe with its unique way of pronouncing them.

There is a dish called blodplättar. It is made of blood pancakes that are doled out all around in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. The most popular dish called smalahove (sheep's head) is mostly adored by Norwegians which they mostly like to eat around Christmas.

So are you ready to do an analysis of your gastronomic proficiency? Here is a tip to how to pronounce some of the strange dishes from all around Europe.

1.     Blodplättar

The aforesaid Blodplättar was known as ‘blood pancakes ‘is a dish which is made of whip pig or Reindeer blood. It is also known as veriohukainen, verilätty or verilettu in Finnish.

These eccentric pancakes are to be pronounced as 'blued-plettar'.

2.     Andouillette

it is a French sausage dish which is that’s typically made of pork, intestines, onions, pepper, wine, and seasoning and can be doled out either hot or cold. It is pronounced as ‘ahn-doo-yet’. Andouillette allegedly has a very idiosyncratic aroma and is infrequently found outside of France.

3.     Casu marzu

This Sardinian dish made of sheep’s milk cheese has a very yielding texture and is made of live maggots.

For those who are unfamiliar with the Italian language would be liable to vocalize the letter ‘z’. In pure Italian, the word cheese is pronounced as ‘ca-soo mar-tsoo’. 

However, the European Union's food hygiene and health regulations have prohibited this cheese.

4.     Smalahove

This Norwegian dish has been debarred by EU directive from being served with an adult sheep's head though followed by the allowance of a lamb's head. Consequently, this dish came out as subsequent for the 'mad cow disease ‘contagion of the late 1990s.

This appraise was put into effect to avoid the extensive growth of ‘scrapie’ which is a degenerative disease that impinges on sheep and goats.

This to some extent a heretical flimsiness is pronounced as ‘small-a-ho-vay’.

5.     Cibreo sauce

This sauce is considered as a meaty sauce which is made of chicken livers and cockerel's scour and wattles. It is most likable by the Italians all through the winters.

It can allegedly be made by very vigorous simmer and is generally pronounced as 'chib-ree-oh'.

6.     Mlící

So, this dish is much likable by seafood lovers so if you are not one of them then this one is surely not your kind of dish.

This dish consists of fried carp semen and is generally pronounced as 'mli-chee'.

7.     Finanziera

This sauce, in general, is pronounced as ‘fi-nan-tsier-a' which is prepared from an assortment of components together with combs and wattles, veal brains and bull testicles.

This sauce customarily is dished up in Italy.

8.     Surströmming

This dish is originated in Scandinavia and is particularly made there. It consists of fermented Baltic Sea herring consecrated to be on the third Thursday of August.

This dish smells enormously intoxicated and is pronounced as 'soo-shtrumming'.

9.     Smalec

This buffed up blubber; generally pronounced as 'sma-letz' is prepared from the pig and asphyxiated all over the bread.

The most interesting part of Smalec is that it can actually be prepared from any element of a pig, as far as that part contains ample amount of adipose tissue.

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