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Comment BOMB by Genie Bouchard on Tessa and Scott Selfie!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : June 12, 2018 2041
Comment BOMB by Genie Bouchard on Tessa and Scott Selfie!

On Social media, the Canadian skillful and effective female tennis player (Genie Bouchard) is following the Insta- account of Tessa Virtue. As it is known that everyone out there, including Genie, is obsessed with the affair position of Tessa with Scott Moir, the marvelous Olympic gold medal ice dancers. After observing the incredible chemistry of Virtue and Moir’s on the ice show, who could neglect the love strength of both?

The star on ice, are subsequently touring all over Canada and now they both precede their tour over Asia and Europe. It has captured that they both are in Belgium nowadays where they are further executing their talent.

All along their free time, Canada’s admirer is posting many charming photos on social media from time to time.

“Happy, denim-clad tourists,” Virtue highlighted the photo. “Here’s to museums, architecture, shoe-shopping, people-watching, waffles, and a limitless appreciation for travel.”

After seeing the last photo of Tessa and Moir, it has made Genie intolerable from the situation and she commented on their picture, “So wait are you guys dating or not.”

She wasn’t the only person who asked this question to them. However, Virtue and Moir have cleared up the entire situation that they’re not a couple, fans will be always enthusiastic.

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