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Crazy Eat Guide: You Can Now Eat Barbie in Canada!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 29, 2018 2259
Crazy Eat Guide: You Can Now Eat Barbie in Canada!

Sounds hilarious? But, what if it is real? Would you grab them and eat right away or would you feel a little awkward? Will it love at first sight with the food or just the opposite of it? Well, in any case, this is happening here in Canada and I am sure you won’t resist it!

This is crazy yet enchanting as we have heard about a Vancouver Restaurant that they impress people with their astonishing dish “BARBIE DOLLS IN MEAT DRESSES”.  This is an attractive idea and it has diverted the mind of the people to eat and enjoy this incredible meal.

In the Vancouver city, the owner of the restaurant has chosen a wide collection of dining opportunity so that there’s no deficiency of these exclusive dishes, and in this way, Barbie dolls have created an amazing image in the menu.

This restaurant is situated at 1542 Robson Street; Liuyishou Hotpot. In the menu card, this amazing eatery is called as “Meat Barbie.” And to give a clarity about what specifically this dish looks like: “A Barbie doll in a meat dress.”

They have the privilege of arranging the Barbie beef by themselves for $25 or you can buy it by as a seafood and meat combo for $50.

So, if you are searching for the new dishes to eat so you can add this meat food in your diet and can try this long-lasting traditional invention of meat which is being dressed in the plate with barbie, this may become your preferred location after few days of the visit. And of course, your kids would enjoy that too, if, they don’t cry after seeing barbie getting torn apart! *ha-ha*

Liuyishou Hotpot

Location: 1542 Robson Street

Hours: Seven days a week, from 11:30 am to 3 pm, and from 4:30 pm to 12 am

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