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Culture of Canada - 10 things you must know about Canadians!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : December 28, 2017 2282
Culture of Canada - 10 things you must know about Canadians!

I agree the year 2017 had a positive reason for you to visit Canada – the country’s 150th birthday, but even 2k18 has its surprises in store. The celebrations that go all year round including the Canada’s National Day, celebrated on July 1st, the Multiculturalism Day on June 27 and many others are just few of the many reasons!

So, what’s me doing here writing this piece for you? Actually, because you are up for visiting this country, I want to tell you some things about the people here which only a Canadian can.

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Canada – America, the border separates us

Our geographical landscapes make us unique but the most astounding thing is the border with America.  And we don’t like to be mistaken for our neighbors either.

Very Friendly – Yes that’s what we are

I wish you stand alone in a busy street for a while. In no time, you will see someone coming to aid you. Strangers are willing to help, they are very communicative in places like public transport, queues etc.

Hockey – Our love

We take hockey for ‘Ice-hockey’ making it one of our most liked thing here. It might seem odd that such nice and calm people are in love with the most pitiless sports on earth, but this is what our choice is.

We are multicultural

Number 1 on the list! This is proved with the fact that Toronto homes to 50% of the population born outside of Canada with over 140 languages spoken here.

We love being liberal

Our numbers in the cabinet are equal men and women, as announced by our Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2015. The cabinet also had 2 native members, 3 from the Sikh community.

Travelling – Our second love

You will find us to have at least one passion of great outdoors, from skiing and snowboarding to mountaineering, biking, rock climbing, camping-out, canoeing or snow-riding.

We never hesitate to apologize

This brings me to the top of my babble-list but it’s kind of, true. We love to apologize, that’s what we are good at, making us first to attain good deeds.

Coffee – Do & don’t try

I hate to admit but we are only building up on food that’s locally grown and our coffee isn’t good. That doesn’t mean we don’t own best coffee shops, one of which is a chain – Tim Horton, founded by a hockey (ice) star.

Our capital?

Don’t be taken by surprise when I put that our country’s capital is Ottawa. Although it’s not a tourism hub like other cities, but it’s definitely building up to become one in the coming years.

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