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Doug Ford PC leadership: Is it Going to Be A Blessing or Just a Curse?

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : March 13, 2018 1676
Doug Ford PC leadership: Is it Going to Be A Blessing or Just a Curse?

Finally, the chaotic and confused Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Leadership Convention has come to an end, closing the jumbled six weeks long convention, and a new and final campaign has been established that will soon enter into the June Election.

The whole leadership convention was so disordered that people became fed-up of it, and when everything was in the favor of Christine Elliott, the opponent of Mr. Froud, all looked challenged questioned.

Although the wind of Doug’s leadership has started in one province of the country, it’s waves will pass through the whole country.

As per the experts’ suggestions, Ontario’s new premier can cause pain in the federal government system. He can also strictly oppose the carbon taxes and put his everything to emphasize the Toronto for the next year’s federal election.

Many Ontarians rebounded by the words of Doug Ford, saying that he would take down the elites, work to overcome taxes, and stand with the federal government for issues like carbon taxes.

Kathleen Wynne, the current premier of liberals who are Ontario’s powerful people some 15 years. She did a rating on which 18% hold for him while most polls gave the interest that Conservatives should win the provincial election.

Queen's Park vs. Parliament Hill

It seems that Wynne and Justin Trudeau are open-minded people and never face any difficulty in communicating with each other every time in office. Ford’s communication should be narrowed.

Some sarcastic opinions about the Prime Minister have been given by the Ford Family, challenging the government that what if Ford gets a higher rank at Queen’s Park.

Greg MacEachern, a vice-president at Proof Strategies said that there would be some personal issues between Trudeau and Ford.

He said the Prime Minister would be helplessly watching everything going in a flow across the country in regard to political activity because of Ford’s people.

Tim Powers, vice-chairman of Summa Strategies said, "If I'm Justin Trudeau and I'm the prime minister, I'm trying to figure out: are there linkages in different parts of the country?”

Provincial Ties

As ford’s premiership can produce sleeplessness in the Parliament Hill, the government, on the other hand, keep watching what would be the reaction of Ford in cases like carbon tax and pharma-care.  

All the four Ontario PC candidates were optimistic about putting down the carbon taxes but none of them gave the idea that how they would eradicate the issue with the federal government.

Ottawa seems realistic and announced that if any province fails to schedule their carbon pricing plans and cannot submit it by September, then the government step in and produce one in 2019.  

Related: Doug Ford’s Victory Similar to Donald Trump Is Something Really Strange!

This brings chaos in some Atlantic provinces that said they are already fulfilling the environmental targets and should be given some light hands. Former Saskatchewan premier Brad Wall respond to this federal plan as a "ransom note."

According to MacEachern said it is going to be really tough for Ford to handle the carbon tax.

Just like other politicians like Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe and Jason Kenney, the Alberta’s soon-to-be new premier in 2019 also shared his views on carbon taxes.

Ford has to keep everything in check and balance and should remain calm if he really wants to make his place. He also should never push Ottawa as it would cause re-election.  

Ford need to be very careful not on with his fellow premiers but also need to manage his relationship with other politicians on the Hill.

Peter Graefe, a provincial politics expert from McMaster University said, "I have a tough time seeing a Doug Ford government having enough patience and diplomacy to be able to find common ground with other provinces."

"Doug Ford doesn't really seem like a man of compromise."

The Carbon tax is the only problem in the provincial politics that should be resolved. Also, the pharma-care strategies need to be expanded.

The average pharma-care program would cost about $19 billion per year as The Parliamentary Budget Officer said. But what it would bring to the provinces’’ cost is something unclear.

Bill Morneau said that pharma-care wouldn’t be free for all the Canadians.

Ford’s attitude towards the carbon pricing showed that he wanted a more of $4 billion in additions to the tax.

He worked for carbon tax and little about the pharma-care which needed more concerns.

Powers cautioned, "If he's going to bring tax breaks to Ontario, he's going to have to watch his spending and investments."

The Three Ds: Disruption, distraction, and dysfunction

Ford has come as a turning point in Ontario’s politics that will affect the other areas of the country.

With Ford’s view and reactions to various above-mentioned things, it is safe to say that his leadership resembles that of Donald Trump.

According to Karl Bélanger, president of the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation, Ford leadership will cause many fluctuations in Ontario.

He compared Ford’s election with that of Trump and said, "You will enter an era of unpredictability.”

MacEachern said that he can make people laugh but his policies could be challenging that people will have to stop taking him lightly.

Related: Doug Ford – Now a New Elected Body of Conservative Party of Ontario!

"I think there are three Ds with Doug: I think you get disruption, distraction and dysfunction."

Power said, “The trick? Exercising self-control before the disruption morphs into dysfunction.”

Looking ahead to 2019

If he's elected keeper of Canada's largest provincial economy, Ford's sway could play a large role in the 2019 federal election. However, it's not certain yet which party might benefit from his presence.

As Ford is an elected keeper of Ontario’s provincial economy, his presence is going to impact largely in 2019 federal election. But it is difficult to say on whom his power will affect.

Graefe said that it would be in favor of federal Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer but if Ford fails to run smoothly, he could the keep ridings Liberals on his own.

It all depends on his potential and strategies. Let’s hope for the best!

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