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Environment Canada updates statement on potential 'major ice storm' this weekend

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : April 13, 2018 1858
Environment Canada updates statement on potential 'major ice storm' this weekend

Here is all you need to know about this weekend’s potential major ice storm, according to weather Canada the major ice storm is going to hit hard this weekend.

This statement by weather warning that “Rain ahead of a slow-moving system is expected to change to freezing rain Saturday morning,”. “By Saturday afternoon the freezing rain will become mixed with ice pellets with periods of ice pellets and freezing rain forecast to continue through Saturday night.”

On Saturday there is going to be freezing rain, with a high of 2°C.

The Environment Canada forecast says “pure freezing rain early Sunday morning” and then change to rain heavy at times by afternoon. Timing the change to rain is difficult and freezing rain may continue in northern areas of the city.

With the rain, northeast winds will breeze to 70 km/h at times this weekend.

Winter driving conditions are expected on untreated roads from Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon.

Environment Canada warns that there will be potential for a few power outages on Saturday, which may become more extensive by Sunday morning as the freezing rain sticks to surfaces and combines with windy east to northeast winds to cause falling tree limbs and power lines.

Flooding may become a threat in some areas later Sunday or Sunday night.

Keep yourself safe and informed all the time and avoid going out unnecessary. For more updates on the storm keep visiting MKTLIST.

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