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Exclusive:Gunman Left 14 People Bleeding to Death in Toronto’s Greektown!

Written by Muneel Ali Published On : July 23, 2018 3787
Exclusive:Gunman Left 14 People Bleeding to Death in Toronto’s Greektown!

Toronto, Ontario; A gunman shot 14 people in Canada’s biggest city including a young girl. Police confirmed on Sunday that one person and the gunman himself are dead.

Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders said, the young girl was in severe condition and was hanging between life and death.

“We are looking at all possible motives... and not closing any doors,” Saunders told reporters at the site of the shooting.

As the incident took place in the east of Toronto, the paramedics, firefighters, and police hit the place which is very popular in regard to restaurants, cafes, and shops.

A gunman killed the people with a handgun, as the police confirmed. Previously the news released shooting of nine people.

The reports suggested that the gunfire at the Greektown neighborhood initiated at 10 p.m. local time (0200 GMT Monday), said.

People there at the time of gunshot said they heard the sound 25 times, according to news website report.

This is not the first time, Toronto has been facing a rapid increase in violence since the start of this year. A police data revealed the city jumped 53 percent to 26 percent through gun violence deaths this year with the same over the last year and the number of shooting increased by 13 percent.

Toronto has recently installed 200 police officers from 20th July as the shootings came flooding day by day with city officials taking it as a gang violence.

Toronto Mayor John Tory think the problem of the city is only guns which were quite easily seen with the most people around.

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