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From Actress to Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle’s Family Drama!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 24, 2018 4266
From Actress to Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle’s Family Drama!

A Wedding is the most ecstatic day of everyone’s life in every way possible. Anyhow, a wedding ceremony is an affectionate thing that is similar to the grace where the bad and the good thing are going side by side. It is the moment in which one can celebrate a quality time with the loved ones. Above all this, there is also some family issues which unexpectedly occurs during that time. In the wedding occasion, no doubt a person face a lot of stressful situation and apart from stress, fun moments are also celebrated. A Royal wedding is much similar to the typical wedding style. But it is thousand times much stressful than the typical wedding.

Prince Harry’s charming wife, Meghan Markle has faced so many family issues while marrying to her dream guy. As we have heard about a lot of disparate thing about Meghan’s father, her half-brother, and sister. CNN has highlighted the family drama of the Meghan Markle that how an American Former actress has permanently joined the British Royal Family.

Let me start with the father of the bride Mr. Thomas Markle who was intended to walk his 36-year-old daughter down the aisle of the St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle towards his husband to be. It is the dreams of every daughter that she should be led by her father instead of any other person.rs_1024x759-180514152029-1024-meghan-markle-family.jpg

First of all, if we talk about Meghan’s father who was suffering from health problem and this was too serious that he couldn’t be able to travel abroad. There was a melodrama kept going in between Meghan’s two older half-siblings (Thomas Jr. and Samantha). Her older half-sibling Samantha wrote on the Twitter that she was feeling so much disappointed that she was not called to attend her sister’s wedding. Thomas Jr. couldn’t stay quite as he approached a message that was literally in a yellow legal pad and an International mailing system, private message. He sent a two pages handwritten note to Prince Harry that he should have called him to attend the wedding. Meghan’s brother told the prince that it would be a destruction of the history of the Royal family heritage. He called her a TERRIBLE ACTRESS only concerning about the publicity after the day of their engagement.


Now coming back to the Dad, while he was reading a book IMAGE OF BRITAIN and looking at the picture of Meghan and Prince Harry on a public computer probably taken by a paparazzi, was moving throughout the April which was not making any bad sense or bad things. However, the pictures (STAGE PHOTOS) that were going viral by Thomas Sr. gave a clear sense of fraud and greed. On Mother’s Day, Britain Daily Mail, the announcement came forward that the paparazzi photos were executed by Thomas Sr. for the big bucks.

After that day, an announcement was made by Samantha through the Webcam on the ITV’s Loose Women Show to talk about her father’s stage photos, and she declared that she is “entirely the Culprit” and she assured that before the wedding day he would become the good guy.

It was a moment Thomas Sr. decided that he attends the wedding, it would be drastic as because of the stage photos. So, he claimed of his serious health problem that he had to go through a heart surgery. In that circumstance, the Kensington Palace issued a statement saying, "This is a deeply personal moment for Ms. Markle in the days before her wedding. She and Prince Harry ask again for understanding and respect to be extended to Mr. Markle in this difficult situation."  

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It seemed like everything was pre-planned by Thomas Sr. as he quickly enrolled in a local hospital because of his on-growing chest pain. Samantha was also supporting his father when she said on Good Morning Britain that the reason for his father’s heart attack was unknown and it might be because of the stressful situations happening on social media.

On that day, God knows what made him say that he would be loved to attend the wedding. But, unknowingly, on very next day i.e. Wednesday, he reported for a heart surgery leaving Meghan alone for her wedding. Meghan confirmed the news with a note, "I have always cared for my father and hope he can be given the space he needs to focus on his health."

All after an exhausted one-week period, Meghan was escorted by his father-in-law Prince Charles down the aisle where her man was standing for her to be his wife. After seeing these mishaps Meghan’s family had created, we all wish her a very happy married life with Prince Harry!

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