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Here Is How You Can Turn Your House into Stress-free Home!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : January 09, 2018 2429
Here Is How You Can Turn Your House into Stress-free Home!

Living in a city with its hustle and bustle, full of chaos, and busy schedules make a man dull and grey. In spite of the fact that city life has its own advantages and benefits but these other disorderly features make everyone senile like an Alzheimer’s patient. The life becomes even more miserable when you return from your office, after a day’s hard work and find your home way more anarchic than outside, it definitely kills you from inside out. The home, as they say, is a place you can feel safe and sound in the emerging levels of stress and stakes. But if your safest area is too messy and stressful, it gives you nothing but a heartache. You cannot change the whole city, but the thing in your control is to transform your home a place worth living in. Here are some exclusive ways to make your home stress-free and seek refuge in it from outside’s stress. Get, set, and go!

1.    Aromatherapy:


Aromatherapy is a means of stressing out your mind and soul which has been used since the ancient time period. The ancient people used it as a medicating agent. It soothes you and makes you comfortable. You can use any of the oil diffuser or oil burner and make your home stress-free. Elevate your mood by choosing the right scents according to your likeness. There are various categories of aromatic scents such as floral, citrus, and earthy. Choose the one suits right with your mood and choice.

2.    Sensible Use of Technology:


If it’s really important, I mean really, really important, then use your mobile phone or internet. Don’t make yourself more stressful by spending time in front of your TV for stupid scrolling through channels. Use echo dot to cheer you up. If you are surrounded by various technological devices then it is better to use them wisely and sensibly. Make a tranquilizing and relaxing effect of your echo dot by playing relaxing music during your course of housework and when nobody’s around, through Pandora and Spotify.

3.    Shades of Blue:


According to experts, if you want to work tension-free in your office, try wearing blue color dress mostly, apart from visiting the beach once in a month (if not possible in a week) as it has a very pleasant effect on the mind. The same case goes for your house too. Color up the area of your house with a ‘right’ shade of blue as grey-blues or cold tones have an aggressive effect on your mind. Use blue color to bring you calm and peace, as it is considered as an intellectual and reflective color of all.

4.    Meditation Area:


Erect a meditation area in your house. Use this area as a place of yoga, prayer, and me-time. Make it blessed as possible for your good health and a stress-free mind. Use the place for pondering over your thoughts, or for dwelling after a hectic schedule. Keep the area a bit attractive and appealing with your favorite items but make sure it won’t look messy and disorganized. The place must be striking for yourself not for others as it would be your personal and private area. You can eventually feel lighter and better.

Remember this one thing:

Don’t put any of your gadgets, mobile phones, etc. in meditation area. Even when you are spending some time alone there, don’t receive any phone calls (except for the part if it is an emergency). Don’t use the internet there to just scroll through unimportant and unnecessary Instagram or Facebook posts. Keep the area sacred and holy. Don’t ruin your precious time in that area with electronics. You can also pin a poster or hang words to remind yourself that electronics are restricted.

5.    Neutral Color Bedsheets:


I know it is the most difficult task to change your bed covers regularly for lazy peoples but you have to make it a habit from now onwards. Buy some new neutral color bed-sheets, woven with soft threads and having a lavender scent too is a plus-point. Make a promise that you will change and wash your bedsheets more often. I bet you will feel contented and lighted and it is a good act for your skin too. Many people prefer white color bedsheets as the shrieking and shouting color have a drastic effect on your mind during your peaceful sleep.

6.    Disuse of Mobile Phone in Bedroom:


All of your technologies must be out of your bedroom especially the mobile phone. Don’t let your phone stick to your bedroom when it is a place for your peaceful night sleep. Keep the phone far, far away from yourself during sleep as it emits radiations that are harmful to the health. And it has become an absolute fact that when you have a phone around you crave to use it for pointless purposes. Even there is no need to check your emails and notifications before going to bed. When it is time to sleep, shut all the tasks and work even of your office.

7.    Decluttering Your House:


A very simple way to de-stress your home is to use only a single trash bag for the whole house. Doing so, you will see how quickly it fills and throws away from the house, ensuring a clutter-free and stress-free house. Donate some of your clothes, home goods, and accessories to make some space unrestricted. Feel free and alive. For more knowledge, you can also click on articles about decluttering your house. as it is a first-hand classified platform for your properties and houses.

8.    Stay Focused:


Don’t overburden yourself with various house chores on weekend. Make yourself focused on one thing at a time and complete it wholeheartedly. Don’t double yourself with things you can’t do in a maximum of 3 hours. For this purpose, you have to break the work in 2 to 3 sub-tasks. This way you won’t feel exhausted and weakened.  

9.    Keep Yourself Happy:


Nothing in this world is perfect so, don’t try to make everything around as an untouched one. You just have to have a house where you find happiness in living. Keep yourself happy by surrounding yourself with the things that make you happy. Ask yourself a question more often, does this article in the house I like or not? And when the answer is No, quickly eliminate it from your house.

10.  Invite-in Your Friends:


The best therapy for stress is a good laugh. And when you have a good squad of friends you shouldn’t feel sad and tense. Invite-in your friends on a hi-tea for a good laughter treatment and laugh till your belly hurts. A good laugh and time spend with your friends never go wasted.

11.  Don’t Neglect Your Bathroom:


The place in the house often neglected by many is the bathroom. Put colorful candles especially rose-colored candle near the bathtub and on shelves. Add aromatic oils and water in the tub to have a 100 percent stress-free result. Play relaxing music or read a good book during bathing or just apply a face mask and drain yourself in the moment. You can also sing your heart out while bathing even you know nothing about the notes and beats of music. This point is just for little tickling, don’t try it because your neighbors would die of your unbearable voice. *wink-wink*

12.  Use Lavender Plant:


Putting near your pillow some strands of lavender plant confirm a peaceful and calm sleep. You can use a lavender spray to be used to scent your bedsheet and pillow before sleeping. If you can’t find any lavender spray, work out for your body and mind using lavender aromatherapy to have a good sleep.

As you are done reading this article, start working out for the above-mentioned things and make your house and yourself too, stress-free. Stay relaxed and hassle-free!

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