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Is Donald Trump Shutting Down the US Government?

Is it another rage of Donald Trump or does he really wish to “shut down” the US government?

Written by Muneel Ali Published On : July 30, 2018 2138
Is Donald Trump Shutting Down the US Government?

He warned everybody of shutting down the US government if Congress denies of a legislation that would provide a fund to his proposal of a wall across the border dividing the US from Mexico.

He tweeted early in the morning that he wanted some changes in the rules and regulations of the country’s immigration laws. By this, he meant that “great people” should be coming to the country.

“I would be willing to ‘shut down’ government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security, which includes the Wall!” he wrote. “Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc. and finally go to a system of Immigration based on MERIT! We need great people coming into our Country!”

Mr. Trump wanted to clear about the consequences of the people who cross his country’s border illegally with or without children.

“Many are just using children for their own sinister purposes,” he continued. “Congress must act on fixing the DUMBEST & WORST immigration laws anywhere in the world! Vote ‘R’.”

In his government, the immigration policies come as a failure in order to justify the court order to reunite undocumented children with their parents.

His policies brought global turbulence when people began to separate from their families at America’s southern border as a “warning note” to illegal immigration.

Mr. Trump did tweet a quote of a former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) director, Tom Homan, who thought Trump as a worthy and praiseful president from others as he has done many things for border safety.

His threatening words came at the start of this year when a bill to fund the federal government failed to provide protection and safety as a result of undocumented migrants.

The government then shut down for a brief period of time and could only be resolved after Mr. Trump signed a huge package bill for the border wall that would eventually fail.

He has protested many times against America’s diversity immigration lottery programme and to implement a “catch and release” practice at the borders.

This lottery scheme offers 55,000 migrants visas, green cards, every year to the countries where people suffer from low migration rates to the US.

 “Catch and release”, a conservative term to restrict the immigration. It describes a policy for legal migrants who wish to live in the US after the court date.

Sunday came with a new statement of Mr. Trump that he has the “highest poll numbers in the history of the Republican Party”.

“That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. There must be something wrong, please recheck that poll!” he tweeted.

According to a Gallup poll, Mr. Trump is blessed to be viewed by 88 percent of Republicans as a favorable one. 

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