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Justin Bieber is not lucky in Terms of Cars – West Hollywood Car Accident!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : March 27, 2018 5702
Justin Bieber is not lucky in Terms of Cars – West Hollywood Car Accident!

Again Justin Bieber has indulged himself in a car-related mishap.

It seems that Bieber is not really lucky when it comes to car driving or maybe it is because of the crazy drivers in Hollywood. God knows what the reason is, it is confirmed that he, once again, has come across to car crash.

It happened in the last Friday at evening 9 PM. Bieber was crossing the Sunset Boulevard in the West Hollywood when suddenly he struck with a Range Rover near the Bank of America.   

Though it was a minor accident, the Range Rover’s left corner hood was busted inside. As you all know that Range Rover is very expensive cars costing around 50 to $100 thousand depending upon its model and options.  

The unlucky Bieber was driving his Mercedes G-Class SUV which is again very, very expensive. Its newest model cost around $130,000. This means Bieber got a pricey accident!

At some point, he was fortunate as his wagon wasn’t got many scratches. The fender turned upside down and the area where spare tire attaches, badly smashed. It should now have to go through denting process.

Police suddenly came to the accident place because of the automatic crash assistance notification which transmitted to the local law enforcement via any one’s car. Police calmed down everyone by notifying that nothing serious had happened and they also didn’t put charges or write a report.

During that, both the drivers kept on checking their damage when Bieber eventually checked the Range Rover’s window with a double thumbs-up sign. He made the sign because his car and he weren’t gotten much damage, probably. Bieber and the other diver showed their insurance info under police supervision.  

Few moments past, the Twitter flooded with a picture of Bieber in a pink hoodie talking to another driver before getting back inside of the car (someone surely has pictured them). During that moment, the police hadn’t reached the site indicating that the pictures were of few minutes after the accident.    

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