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Justin Trudeau’s Tweets are Now the Center of Attention for Canadians!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 31, 2018 2537
Justin Trudeau’s Tweets are Now the Center of Attention for Canadians!

Justin Trudeau- the Prime Minister of Canada is now in the limelight for the Canadians. This year, he visited India for an authorized journey. His deride management of relations with a rising power of 1.2 billion people results in a lot of existent jokes. The asylum-seeker issue and US-Canada relationship are more obvious these days.

A Globe and mail communist recently contended on the ongoing issue of immigration and the rising power of the people. According to them, the broad-based and all-party Canadian support for immigration is intimated by the sudden increase in asylum-seekers from the United States.

Justin Trudeau politics has revealed the mindset of the Canadians on the immigration issues. This issue has become serious after Donald Trump decision to block migration and ban immigration from certain Muslim countries in 2017. The Prime Minister of Canada tweeted, Canada was a tolerant, welcoming haven.

A mass departure of the people to the North begins

Right after many asylum-seekers moved towards North in large ratio, exceeding 26,000 in the last 15 months and around 400 a day are expected to cross Canadian borders this summer. After this, the Liberal Canadian Minister created Canada’s tough and hardest selective admission process.

Why the cunning acts? The reason behind that, many of the Canadians are not in the favor of an open-ended invitation of Justin Trudeau in his tweet.

If one-time people cross the borders illegally, Justin Trudeau politics ashamed himself internationally for almost many days.

Quebec run only four asylum-seekers shelter and 1850 spot in total and deny to run more. Many of the asylum seekers are in the support of Quebec but the U.S officials at the border with Mexico, assert that an entry point has “reached capacity.” They use such strategy to dispirit asylum-seekers.

The Trudeau is making effort to stop the entry of asylum-seekers illegally. Canadian officials have been talking with their U.S. counterparts and working to change the Safe Third Country Agreement.

Manipulative strategy by Canadian Officials

Canadian officials are planning strategies to control the flow of asylum-seekers. For this reason, the Canadian government has asked the U.S. government to tighten its visa procedures because migrants use the U.S as a crossing point before moving to Canada. Besides that, Trudeau mentions that Canada is eager to welcome everyone.

Canada prevailing?

Image result for justin trudeau's narcissism reveals canadian division

Justin Trudeau’s tweets about the asylum-seekers show superiority from the United States. Americans are facing very bad relations with its trade partners these days. According to Trump, the U.S swindle by its free trade agreement. He also wrongly reaffirms that the U.S has a trading loss with Canada. Trudeau is responsible for protecting Canada’s national interest. Now we see how Trump’s going to elucidate the differences. He has imposed a 25 percent tariff on steel imports and 10 percent on aluminum, targeting “economic enemies” like China and allies like Canada.

Freedom- for now

Trump has temporarily free Canada, Mexico, and many others, by delaying trade war. Canada and Mexico can get rid of tariff by agreeing to “modernize” NAFTA. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement among the United States, Canada and, Mexico designed to remove tariff barriers between the three countries. If they don’t agree then the U.S can apply tariff. On the other hand, U.S is not supporting Canada and the U.S. is practically blackmailing Canada on NAFTA. The questions here are: How will Trudeau react in front of the world? Will he just smile like a fool, pushing his abilities? Or will he become a narcissist, knowing how to keep aware of himself as a world leader?

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