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Katy Perry Sends Olive Branch to Taylor Swift, No Hard Grudges Left!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 14, 2018 1934
Katy Perry Sends Olive Branch to Taylor Swift, No Hard Grudges Left!

The major controversy between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift has now permanently resolved. It happened in the opening night of the” Reputation Stadium Tour,” when Perry gave a peaceful hand-written letter to Swift with an Olive Branch that she wanted to settle their old business and re-established their old friendship.

Taylor was really shocked when she went to her dressing room and over there she found a note which she eagerly in front of media anchors. She said, "I just got to my dressing room and found this actual olive branch. This means so much to me.” It has been noticed that she wrote a “Thank you“ with a heart Emoji.

The note read, "Hey old friend, I have been doing some reflecting on past miscommunications and hurt feelings between us. I really want to clear the air ..."

Since 2014, they both have not got any hostility between them. Perry discussed her friendship in the episode of “Carpool Karaoke” with James Corden that Taylor had started the major argument with her, so, Perry would be the one ending it.

Swift wrote a song” Bad Blood” in which she deliberately addressed about the disagreement. She arranged a music video which was displayed with the member of her band including Selena Gomez, and the affliction was put towards Perry’s makeups and hairstyles. In that response, Katy came back with a song “ Squish Squish “ in which she clearly said that the Karma never lies and pointed towards the Taylor that all she did, would eventually come back to her in the end. Apart from the episode from James Corden, Perry also pointed out the major argument delivered last year on the “The Thrive Global Podcast” where she spoke, “I am ready to let it go. I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her … I love her, and I want the best for her. And I think she’s a fantastic songwriter.”

After a long time, a day finally came, when these two big highlighted personalities are together once again. It appears pleasantly that all the miscommunication and misunderstanding have been finally overcome.

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