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List Of 133 of the unusual national days in a Canadian year!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : April 30, 2018 3388
List Of 133 of the unusual national days in a Canadian year!

Different regions have different festivals or orthodox. But some of them seems to be unusual and un natural. Humans are weird. Have you ever wondered to fascinate and entertain your selves and others? The event is largely celebrated by you and your friends. The best day has been selected from a calendar out of 365 days.

Perhaps you really, really love ketchup or you really, truly believe that pandas and socks deserve one day from 365 days in a year to be commemorate.

Yeah, if you are sure in your answers and you want make it the memorable one. Here you go,

The web portal National Day Calendar is devoted for such stances and to full fill your wishes and thoughts by suggesting your opinions or personal beliefs through the application for the event or a happening. If approved, honored and celebrated.

The bio data along with your idea with the name of your National Day. The well explained summary of your idea and reason to celebrate it on a national level.

The national days which are celebrated are mentioned below, seems to be silly and hilarious ones.


January 1: National Hangover Day

January 8: National Bubble Bath Day

January 9: National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

January 11: National Step in the Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day

January 12: Kiss a Ginger Day

January 13: National Rubber Ducky Day

January 20: National Cheese Lover’s Day

January 21: Squirrel Appreciation Day

January 23: National Pie Day

January 27: National Chocolate Cake Day

January 28: National Kazoo Day

January 29: National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day


February 2: National Tater Tot Day

February 3: National Carrot Cake Day

February 4: National Homemade Soup Day

February 5: National Shower with a Friend Day

February 7: National Fettuccine Alfredo Day

February 9: National No One Eats Alone Day

February 10: National Umbrella Day

February 11: National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day

February 15: Singles Awareness Day

February 17: National Random Acts of Kindness Day

February 22: National Cook a Sweet Potato Day

February 28: National Public Sleeping Day


March 1: National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day

March 5: National Multiple Personality Day

March 6: National Oreo Cookie Day

March 9: National Get Over it Day

March 10: National Mario Day

March 11: National Worship of Tools Day

March 14: National PI Day

March 18: National Awkward Moments Day

March 20: National Ravioli Day

March 24: National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day

March 28: National Weed Appreciation Day

March 31: National Crayon Day


April 1: National Sourdough Bread Day

April 2: National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

April 3: National Find a Rainbow Day

April 6: National Teflon Day

April 7: National No Housework Day

April 9: National Name Yourself Day

April 13:  National Blame Someone Else Day

April 16: National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day

April 19: National Garlic Day

April 20: National Look Alike Day

April 24: National Pigs in a Blanket Day

April 25: National Hug a Plumber Day

April 28th: National Superhero Day

April 30th: National Bugs Bunny Day


May 3: National Paranormal Day

May 6: National Nurses Day

May 8: National Have A Coke Day

May 9: National Sleepover Day

May 13: National Crouton Day

May 18: National Bike to Work Day (Third Friday in May)

May 25: National Wine Day

May 31: National Speak in Sentences Day


June 1: National Go Barefoot Day

June 2: National Black Bear Day (First Saturday in June)

June 3: National Egg Day

June 6: National Drive-In Movie Day

June 9: National Donald Duck Day

June 12: National Jerky Day

June 13: National Sewing Machine Day

June 15: National Flip Flop Day (Third Friday in June)

June 19: National Martini Day

June 19: National Garfield Day

June 21: National Selfie Day

June 22: National Onion Rings Day


July 1: National Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day

July 3: National Eat Your Beans Day

July 11: National Cheer Up The Lonely Day

July 12: National Pecan Pie Day

July 14: National Mac and Cheese Day

July 17: World Emoji Day

July 18: National Sour Candy Day

July 20: National Lollipop Day

July 24: National Drive-Thru Day

July 26: All Or Nothing Day

July 29: National Lipstick Day

July 31: National Avocado Day


August 2: National Coloring Book Day

August 3: National Grab Some Nuts Day

August 4: National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

August 5: National Underwear Day

August 6: Wiggle Your Toes Day

August 8: National Sneak Some Zucchini Into Your Neighbour’s Porch Day

August 10: National S’mores Day

August 12: National Middle Child Day

August 14: National Creamsicle Day

August 17: National I Love My Feet Day

August 19: National Soft Ice Cream Day

August 24: National Waffle Day

August 25: National Kiss and Make Up Day


September 4: National Macadamia Nut Day

September 5: National Cheese Pizza Day

September 9: National Teddy Bear Day

September 10: National TV Dinner Day

September 11: National Make Your Bed Day

September 12: National Video Games Day

September 16:  National Play-Doh Day

September 20:National String Cheese Day

September 27: National Crush a Can Day

September 29: National Coffee Day

September 30: National Chewing Gum Day


October 1: National Hair Day

October 2: National Name Your Car Day

October 4: National Taco Day

October 5: National Get Funky Day

October 6: National Noodle Day

October 8: National Pierogi Day

October 12: National Gumbo Day

October 13: National No Bra Day

October 14: Be Bald and Be Free Day

October 21:National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day

October 24: National Food Day

October 25: National Greasy Food Day

October 31: National Knock-Knock Jokes Day


November 1: National  Cook For Your Pets Day

November 4: National Candy Day

November 5: National Doughnut Day

November 6: National Nachos Day

November 8: National Cappuccino Day

November 12: National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day

November 14: National Pickle Day

November 15: National Raisin Bran Cereal Day

November 17: National Take A Hike Day

November 18: Mickey Mouse Birthday

November 19: National Play Monopoly Day

November 20: National Absurdity Day

November 21: National Red Mitten Day

November 30: National Mason Jar Day


December 1: National Eat a Red Apple Day

December 4: National Sock Day

December 12: Gingerbread House Day

December 15: National Wear Your Pearls Day

December 17: National Maple Syrup Day

December 22: National Date Nut Bread Day

December 24: National Eggnog Day

December 25: National Pumpkin Pie Day

December 26: National Whiner’s Day

December 29: Tick Tock Day

December 31: National Champagne Day

Here’s to hoping you create a day that’ll help us make it through the rest of our gloomy Mondays!

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