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LIVE UPDATE: Trump’s signed report reject own views on trade, Canada!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : February 27, 2018 1608
LIVE UPDATE: Trump’s signed report reject own views on trade, Canada!

WASHINGTON – The views by Donald Trump on trade have taken a pounding in a freshly released report. The report was not just published by the White House, but has been forwarded with his own signature.

The self-censure involves him giving some points for Canada.

Trump has been seen regretting a trade deficit with its neighbor – Canada. On Monday, again he complained about trade with Canada, stating: "We lose a lot with Canada. People don't know it. Canada's very smooth. They have you believe that it's wonderful. And it is, for them. Not wonderful for us."

An even more confident story about trade is mentioned in the recently released 2018 White House "Economic Report of the President" – it’s an yearly document set by team of president, with him signing the report.

The document pushes it hard to some of the president’s liked themes.

The surprising part is, Trump talks and insists on the trade deficit with Canada but his signed document states the opposite i.e. Canada is on surplus for trade with US – among the very few countries US trades with.

The document mentions this at most 3 times.

"All countries show a (U.S.) services surplus offsetting a goods deficit, with the U.S. running a net bilateral surplus only with Canada and the United Kingdom."

Somewhere again, "The United States ran a trade surplus of $2.6 billion with Canada on a balance-of-payments basis."

Further contraction stated in the report mentions president saying that trade has help the United States economy expand, it is moving away from manufacturing sector, also foreign trade is of utmost importance to the contemporary economy.

"Trade and economic growth are strongly and positively correlated," the White House report mentions.

The report acknowledges that trade deals impact the people in the country. The bordering states are the biggest winners in NAFTA, according to it. The general conclusion of the report is that trade does create more jobs and eventually affect the economy.

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