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Meghan’s Mother Discloses her Most Favorite Moment of the Royal Wedding!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : June 05, 2018 2994
Meghan’s Mother Discloses her Most Favorite Moment of the Royal Wedding!

Doria Ragland, the mother of Meghan Markle has observed her daughter’s marriage with love of her life. She knows some of the exclusive features of the Royal wedding that her daughter is the one who makes history by marrying Prince Harry and stepped happily in the Royal Family. But there is another occasion outside of the weekend that Meghan’s mother admired the most and will remember forever.

It happened when Doria Rogland reached earlier in the UK before wedding ceremony to connect with her daughter’s future-in-law and also greeted with the representatives of the Royal family along with Queen Elizabeth II.

The US weekly authority communicated on this memorable occasion in which Doria has declared about her most favorite moment outside the wedding event of her daughter that she loved meeting Queen. She said,

“It would have been extremely intimidating for anyone, but Meghan and Harry really did a marvelous job of preparing her with what to expect.”


Prince Harry desired to call her mother-in-law before the meeting day as to make her feel convenient with the royal members. According to the authority that Harry had told Dorianumerous stories about the Queen as a grandmother and what she means to him.”

Doria Ragland then decisively joined the 92-year-old Sovereign at Windsor Castle at tea with Meghan and Harry earlier than their marriage ceremony and it absolutely went all good.


Ragland and Queen Elizabeth II wore a perfect color of green on the day of the wedding. Meghan’s  mom was in the Wedgewood green wool which was by Oscar de la Renta and Queen Elizabeth was in a lime green color dress which was by Stuart Parvin.

And the 62 years old Yoga instructor with the representatives of the Royal Family along with Prince Charles and Camilla were also seen in the pictures, with whom Ragland came out of the church.


Also, Doria’s emotional gestures caught up the cameras when her daughter said ”I Do” in the St George’s Chapel.

She was the only member of Meghan’s family who presented at the Royal Wedding, it was really an exclusive event for Ragland. This event is memorable for her and she will be recalling it for life.

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