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NEWS UPDATE! Viral Pictures of Thanos getting arrested by the police in Toronto go Viral!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 15, 2018 2819
NEWS UPDATE! Viral Pictures of Thanos getting arrested by the police in Toronto go Viral!

Under the banner of Marvel Studios, the latest movie Avengers smashed the theatres with the great opening this weekend after Star Wars and dragged him on a second position.

The movie is budgeted about $19 billion and had an over whelming response by the audience.

The character which is highlighted most is “Thanos”. A role played by one of the finest Actor “Josh Berlin”.

Imagine yourself as a fictional character. There was a little bit of drama at the streets of Toronto on Saturday. The fake Thanos surprise the cops by his fake identity and then got arrested.

Marvel universe is filled with fascination. An actor Frank Coraci is spotted while walking  around Dundas Square.

The cops seemed to be ready for a clicked photograph with an actor.

So, everyone can calm down, because we all know Thanos is out there getting fully recovered and will be back soon.

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