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One woman or girl every other day: 57 women killed in Canada this year!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 02, 2018 2326
One woman or girl every other day: 57 women killed in Canada this year!

In Toronto, 57 women were killed in Canada this year, more than 15% death rate that barbed in a single day of last week. 8 women and 2 men were killed through the car accident.Myrna Dawson, had done a research on the goals of the cultivation that why women are killed and how these death can be prevented.

In 2016, the enumeration status of Canada that 148 women were victims of homicide. in 2015, 175 women were killed and in 2014 , 150 women were assassinated.

Last Monday, 8 women from 22-94 age were assassinated when  men drive a rental van on the sidewalk of busy area of Yonge street in North York. Alek Minassian , were facing 10 charges  of 1st Degree murder and 13 solicit murder.

The police also claim that they have a charge of 3 murder. Police had not claim the post appeared on the facebook, before the attack that what were their motives of doing this, they investigate every areas of that street.

Prof, Dawson claim that this case was an extreme show of violence. Which decline the idea of random or divergents.

57 Femicide cases occurred in Canada and 33 were in Ontario, and 6 occured in Quebec and Manitoba, 3 occured in Nova Scotia and British Columbia, 2 were in Alberta and New Brunswick's and 1 were situated in Saskatchewan and Yukon.

In these 9 cases the suspect has not been identified. A male partner was implicated in 18 and remaining in 48 cases, and Prof Dawson claim that most of them were boyfriend or ex-boyfriend.

It emphasizes on the importance's of parliament and the intimate partner violence, which serve as a reality, of dating violence.

The CEO of the women Foundation Paulette Senior claim that education must be delivered much more in schools.

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