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Our First Valentine's Day Together in New House!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : February 12, 2018 2283
Our First Valentine's Day Together in New House!

It takes a long time, from staying over for one night to getting a drawer for shared possessions, to moving into your significant other’s place to finally getting your first home together but it happens nonetheless. 

It’s a frightening process for most people but also very exciting at the same time. It can be a lot to take in at first especially if you’re not accustomed to the process, the legal ramifications, and signing such documents. 

It can get quite lengthy and messy too, as you have to find the place of your dreams, and fishing out a reliable lawyer, signing the preliminary contract, and having to be patient as your references and background gets checked but it all pays off when you hand in the final payment and finally get the keys of your new home. 

Although extremely stressful, it may be a key time for the both of you. 

After buying your first home, along come a lot of first for the both of you; your first Christmas together, first birthday, first dinner party and it goes without saying, your first Valentine’s Day together in your new place. 

The season of love now looms over our heads, and it doesn’t matter whether you bought a modern apartment, a comfortable house that defines your character, a stylish house overlooking the sea, you still can do a lot of things to make your first valentine’s in your dream home one to remember forever. 

1.Decorate to your heart’s content. 

One of the advantages of having your own home is the fact that you can now decorate it as you please. You are now no longer held back by your parents nagging or your roommate’s preferences or by your landlord’s annoying rules.

 You can go all out with candles, roses, bunting and specialized cards or you go could along with a simpler yet sweet theme. The choice is now yours. 

You now finally have the freedom to express so make sure you and your partner fully enjoy it. 


One of the perks of buying your own place is you can use it for the things you enjoy the most.  If you prefer partying and enjoying yourself, look for a large kitchen or place with larger open space.  Do you like hanging out outdoors? Then keep in mind to buy a house with a garden. 

Enjoy living stylishly? Then look for a place with a large view or terrace and be the talk among your friends. Whichever type of home you decide to make your own, make sure it’s a place you are fully comfortable with and is of good value for your money, which means there’s no need to break the bank and look for places in posh residential areas. There are cheaper options worth taking a look at. This would mean you can enjoy having the home you always wanted without worrying over how much money is left in the bank. 

We all know what this means though, you get to throw your first party for Valentine’s together.  By selecting the place that suits you best you can create the environments to your liking and play to your strengths in planning it, making sure you and lover have the bragging rights. 

3.Valentine’s Diner. 

Going out to eat on Valentine’s is pure nightmare fuel. Fancy restaurants take advantage of the occasion and hike up the prices on their menus, hotels put out perfect packages which then are booked under seconds, and the couple can be awkwardly smiling over dinner as a number of other couples attempt to do the same. 

Almost every time, someone within the crowd will propose, there will be a few tears shed and every couple will have to try to appear as loved as possible just because they have a duty to because of the occasion. 

It’s better to make the most of your new place and enjoy your first Valentine’s together from the comfort of your own kitchen and lounge by cooking a romantic meal together. 

4.Stay in budget. 

You might want to splash cash on your new home if you’re a first time buyer. You will most likely end up thinking that you certainly have a need for 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a dine in kitchen and a pool, all in the private haven of Malta, stopped only to learn that your modest budget will only allow what is referred to by real estate agents as a “House of character” which just a sugar coated way of saying budget property. 

And you need to realize that there is nothing wrong with that, you should not let price impact your first romantic place together. Not over stretching your budget will ensure that you live within your means and will reduce the amount of things you have to have to bang your head over once you’re living together. 

Sparing your pocket would mean you can be happy and comfortable knowing you still have money to spare, which will also provide you an opportunity for your creativity to make your first home truly one from your dreams.


You can decorate, use your personality and imagination to leave your personal stamp to make the feeling of entering your home truly wonderful. 

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