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Paramount Fine Food CEO Joins Hands with UNHCR to Stand with Rohingya Refugees!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 18, 2018 2271
 Paramount Fine Food CEO Joins Hands with UNHCR to Stand with Rohingya Refugees!

Muhammad Fakih- the CEO of Paramount Fine Foods has joined hands with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to collect cash for Rohingya Refugees. The Rohingya people are stateless citizens who live in Myanmar.

The humanitarian and charitable objective of Muhammad Fakih has formerly comprised of funeral costs for victims of the 2017 Quebec mosque shooting and a hiring campaign geared towards Syrian refugees. The efforts of Fakih is extremely strenuous for Canadian Business Leader along with participating Paramount Fine Foods restaurant locations to collect cash in a huge amount to assist UNHCR efforts in the going Rohingya distress.

Mr. Fakih mentioned, “This Ramadan, through my partnership with UNHCR, I am lending my voice in support of Rohingya refugees who are in desperate need of our help. The situation is extremely tragic and I am calling on my fellow Canadians to open their hearts.”

“I am asking loyal Paramount customers to visit our restaurants during this campaign to help provide life-saving support to refugees. I am also calling upon my fellow Canadian business leaders to donate to this worthy cause.”

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Since August 2017, about 700,000 Rohingya refugees have been leaving hastily to Bangladesh in order to get rid of the brutality in Myanmar. Canada’s UN Refugee Agency actively works for the emergency and parcel of many useful items such as tents, blankets, sleeping mats, and solar lamps.  

“The needs of the Rohingya refugees and the vulnerable Bangladeshis in communities hosting these men, women, and children are immense,” said UNHCR Canada Representative Jean-Nicolas Beuze.

“UNHCR is fortunate to have the partnership of Mr. Fakih, the Fakih Foundation and Paramount Fine Foods to help bring renewed attention and sorely needed funds towards this ongoing crisis.”

The online website of UNHCR is available for the Canadians who are interested to support refugees.

In Canada, from May 14 to June 14 a campaign runs against the violence on Rohingya people at 38 participating Paramount locations. The highest amount will be expected to collect in the month of Ramadan as per the instincts of The Fakih Foundation.

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