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Prime Minister’s Verdict: Trudeau Transforms the Selection of Juries by Paying Tribute to Colten Boushie's Family!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : February 15, 2018 1821
Prime Minister’s Verdict: Trudeau Transforms the Selection of Juries by Paying Tribute to Colten Boushie's Family!

Justin Trudeau has made a good decision in his governmental period which is regarding with the selection of the juries in Canada. This way he ensures that native people “once again” believe in the criminal justice system.

Trudeau has made this pronouncement by paying tribute to the family of Colten Boushie in the House of Commons on Wednesday. Colten, a 22 years old man was killed in 2016 by white Saskatchewan farmer Gerald Stanley.

Boushie’s family interjected that indigenous people were remained out of the jury which led Stanley to commit second-degree murder in the last week.

Trudeau said many things in his speech concerning the governmental approach towards the new judicial system for Indigenous people and Canadians be like, “strike at the heart of who we are and what kind of country we want to be."

Trudeau said about it, "We've seen those questions grow in number and intensity in just these past few days as more and more Canadians come to grips with the fact that we have so much more work to do."

He further added, "More work to push back against the systemic racism that is the lived reality for so many Indigenous peoples. More work to deal with the fact that too many feel and fear that our country and its institutions will never deliver the fairness, justice, and real reconciliation that Indigenous peoples deserve."

The Prime Minister had been hopeful when he met with Boushie's mother Debbie Baptiste and other relatives in Ottawa a few days back.

He said, "Through all their grief and anger and frustration, their focus was not on themselves and the tragedy they just endured, but on how we must work together to make the system and our institutions better, better for Indigenous youth, for Indigenous families, and for all Canadians.”

"We have a responsibility to do better, to be better. To do our best to make sure that no family has to endure what they went through," he further added.

It is illustrated by the words of Trudeau in the press-issue that Liberals will do everything right to improve the criminal justice system.

But the words that light up the faces of everyone were, “Including changes to how juries are selected."

Trudeau government has been pushed this week by the new Democrats in order to point out the Indigenous insufficiencies on juries in regard to Stanley’s results.  

Murray Rankin, an NDP justice opponent, paid his concerns to again visualize the challenges and code of conduct regarding the Criminal laws. This led to the refusal of many jurors by Crown and Defence lawyers without any enlightenment.

Justice Minister Jody Wilson showed her thoughts about the change of criminal justice system by saying the government would be "looking at peremptory challenges" which will be going to reveal soon by her.

The former criminal Defense Lawyer Jagmeet Singh seemed a little confused with such approach. He was not in a position to accept any eliminating peremptory challenges. The NDP Leader at a Press Conference on Tuesday said he used the challenges in order to save more people of color on the seat of juries.

Singh somehow said, "a challenge without any sort of basis has resulted in a jury that didn't reflect the entire community."

Former supreme court justice Frank Iacobucci said in a report of Ontario in 2013 about the peremptory challenges that these are, "discriminate against First Nations people."

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