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Stan Lee in Action, Charges his Former Company for $ 1 Billion!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 24, 2018 1971
Stan Lee in Action, Charges his Former Company for $ 1 Billion!

Stan Lee is known, better known as a fictitious comic book writer, impartially registered an accusation against his former company which is POW! The prosecution is of $1 Billion for the destruction the company has caused to him.

Approval to Juridical document, in which the Stan Lee has progressively substituted the POW! Along with the present CEO, (Shane-Duffy and Gill Champion) these two are the co-founder of the company. The inventor of the Marvel Universe orders the dispute in California, which stated that (Duffy and Champion) have done a “Sham deal” to sell POW to Cam sing, a China-based company. Apart from existing as the CEO of POW! Duffy is also working as Vice President. It has occurred to them to be a part of this deliberate scheme because Duffy and Champion can get commercial prosperity from this deal. The most interesting thing about both of them is that theynever disclosed the actual terms of the deal to Lee before closing it.”

The signature of Lee is only accepted for the contract which will be proceeding forward. Anyhow it has been discussed in the accusation that his signature was either “forged" or he was "tricked" into signing the document.

It has observed while discussing in the lawsuit, that Lee would never give his signature, name or any other property document to anybody.

It has been stated, "Lee did not even grant an exclusive license to his identity, image, name and likeness to the Walt Disney Company in a multibillion dollar deal, let alone give his name and likeness away for free to a company in China” It has been also mentioned, “the most important and prized possession Lee and his family owned his entire life."

The 95-year-old man says he has been suffering from advanced macular degeneration, meaning he is unable to read or drive on his own. The deal appeared when his wife, Joan Lee, at the age of 70 passed away. Due to this circumstance, he started suffering from a bad health condition, it was really sad and destructive period for him. It was such a hard time for Lee to understand or notice something to be right or wrong.


The situation has been getting worst day by day. It has seen through the Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter about the POW! On May 12, 2018, on the twitter account of Lee, the message was conveyed,Today was the first day I ever did a tweet myself. Before today, my account was done by others. I still do not have control of my Facebook. Someone else is doing it, NOT me.”

On May 15, 2018, he wrote a thank you message to his followers on the Twitter, “Help! Someone has hijacked my Facebook and Instagram. I want everyone to know whoever is writing them is a fraud and is impersonating me. How do I get them back? Can you guys help?”

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