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Stay Cool Calgarians, Heat Alert Announced!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : July 17, 2018 2374
Stay Cool Calgarians, Heat Alert Announced!

Calgary’s third week of July starting will be a hotter one, as MET Department of Canada issued heat wave warning for the people of Calgary. Monday and Tuesday will be going to be high with 30oC temperature, at late night it is expected to be 14 oC.

Heat warning are issued to make people made precautionary measures before the high temperature and to save them from the Heat stroke or Exhaustion.

To save the Calgarians from the effects of heat, environmentalist of Canada is recommending these to people;

-        To reschedule their outdoor day time tasks to the less hotter times of the day, so that people have lesser exposure to the sun

-        Stay in shade more time as possible

-        To stay hydrated, drink plenty of water and other non-alcoholic or non-caffeinated drinks

-        Do not stay inside of any closed vehicle for longer period of time, both people and pet.

-        Apply Sunscreen before going in the sun, at least before 20 minutes and reapply it as prescribed.

-        Wear hat and sunglasses

-        Wear clothes that covers skin, should be long-sleeved and light in color.

To know if person is affected from the heat, here are the symptoms: lack of sweat, increase in body temperature, fainting, unconsciousness.

Individuals who could be particularly affected includes children, seniors, outdoor workers and people with pre-existing heart, lung, kidney, nervous system, mental health or diabetic conditions, as well as those who are socially isolated!

While immediate actions to medical attention would be:

-        Move the affected person to a shaded area

-        Give them water to make them hydrated

-        Remove the clothing and shoes

-        Until medical care is being provide, wrap the individual in a wet towel

But, the good news is, according to the forecast, from Wednesday a low-pressure system will move through the province which will bring scattered showers and decrease in temperature to the region.

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