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Strict Rules are to be Followed by Travelers for Safety Precautions in Canada!

Travellers from Europe, Middle East and Africa will have to provide finger prints and photos for the Canadian immigration, whether they come for any purpose like studying or visiting.

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : August 06, 2018 1840
Strict Rules are to be Followed by Travelers for Safety Precautions in Canada!

A spokesperson also informed that the applicant will be supported with new regulation and expansion of biometric collection who applies abroad for work permit or permanent resident.

The IRCC collects biometrics from Canada and individuals from 30 foreign nationalities, work permit or study permit.

From today this program will augment to include three ‘new broad components’.

·        Collection – the expansion of biometric collection to foreign nationals (excluding US) who are applying for work permit, temporary residents, study permit visa or permanent visa.

·        Verification – bring up the systematic finger print for travellers who provide their biometrics at airport , and expand the verification at airports  and land borders

·        Information- biometric information is going to be shared in a way that is constant with Canada’s privacy laws, human rights, commitments including Canadian charter of rights and freedoms.

  The safety and security of Canadians is protected by biometric screening as the finger print proofs allows border service officers to confirm the immigrant identity and improve the efficiency of subsequent interactions with the emigrant Biometric screening has proven effective in protecting the safety and security of Canadians and the integrity of the immigration system,” the IRCC spokesperson said. “Systematic fingerprint verification allows border service officers to confirm a traveller’s identity and better manage traffic flow at the border.” will improve the efficiency of subsequent interactions with that individual.”

The identification of known criminals can be conducted easily in order to stop them from coming to Canada. The spies can also be prevented from entering the country to steal or to use another person’s identity to collect the information for wrong purpose to harm the country.

The Process

The applicant will have to come to provide their finger print and to have a digital photograph taken:

  • At the port of entry: Asylum claimants, and applicants for work and study permits who are eligible to apply at the port of entry
  • In Canada: When the in-Canada service is set up in 2019
  • In the United States: At one of many Application Support Centre across the US
  • Outside Canada and the US: At one of Canada’s Visa Application Centre (VAC) locations around the world.


If you wish to travel to Canada again then you will have to provide your     biometric and pay the corresponding for every 10 years. The biometric will be in a file of temporary resident within a 10 year period. “To facilitate repeat travel to Canada, temporary residence applicants will only be required to provide their biometrics and pay the corresponding fee once every 10 years,” said the IRCC. “Biometrics will be kept on file for screening of subsequent applications within the 10-year period.”

The biometric screening can help the IRCC to facilitate visa or permit application process that can quickly establish applicant’s identity helping in the entry of travellers by making identification easier.

At the port the Canada border services will verify the finger print and photos of the people who have already given their biometric then the information is going to be matched against the immigration record of migration 5 partners which will provide decision makers with useful information. “This will help strengthen identity management and bolster the integrity of our immigration system and the border,”

Expansion Will Apply To All Foreign Nationals

The IRCC also mentioned that the biometric expansion applies to all foreign nationals to be implemented over two years, 2018-2019 in answer to the question about particular regions being preferred in this process the remaining those from Asia, Asia Pacific and the Americas wo will be applying for a temporary resident visa, work permit, study permit, or permanent residence will be collected at 31 December, 2018 .  

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