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Summer Update:Toronto residents can enjoy a movie screening in Outdoor this Summer!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 15, 2018 2240
Summer Update:Toronto residents can enjoy a movie screening in Outdoor this Summer!

Are you getting bored? Do you really want to rejoice yourselves in summer with some thrilling activities? Pack your bags and put your goodies along with you to enjoy summers.

The highlight reel will be on a larger curtain. The Outdoor movie screening is a better option.  Summer is going to be thrilling with the bunch of exciting and fanatic movies which are expected to release in the month of June till August.

The new range of experiences continues with the variety including different story boards describing about urban life and vibrant metropolises around the world.

The new season will be starting from Sunday, June 17, with an exceptional movie Do the Right Thing”. The film describes about summer activities.

An open-air movie screening will take place through different regions of the city especially in Christie Pits Film Festival, and other parks throughout the GTA.

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Let’s celebrate Canada’s 151st freedom anniversary in a unique way this time by helping the underprivileged. Pour your heart out to show that Canadians are together, excluding creed, race, color, or religion. Join us to conduct a Marathon. Help us to achieve a Guinness World Record through National anthem. All with only one vision; to help out the underprivileged and to create an environment where they live just like us! Support our cause #ICARE and inspire others to do the same by sharing your ‘Generous Story’ with everyone.  

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