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The Festival of Colors: Torontonians Are All Set to Unite with their Hindu Fellows at the Woodbine Beach for Holi!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : March 02, 2018 3160
The Festival of Colors: Torontonians Are All Set to Unite with their Hindu Fellows at the Woodbine Beach for Holi!

As Canada has multi-cultural diversity, the Canadians always stand up for their other fellows in their happiness and sadness. As today marks the day of Hindu festival Holi, the celebration with colors, Toronto is all set to unite the Hindus with others at the Woodbine beach for Holi. This occurs every year with the same zeal of the previous year. It was started back in 2016 when the Parliament Complex of Canada allowed celebrating the day. Since then, many Indo-Canadians take part in the festival. As our peace-loving PM never want conflict between the dwellers, he happily assures the Hindu community to celebrate their festival to let them not feel sad that they are far away from their actual country.

Here are some highlights about the Holi in Canada that will surely bring colors to your life. *wink-wink*

Holi at Woodbine Beach, Toronto:

  • The event is particularly celebrated in India every year but as Canada also has many Indian dwellers here and other countries, it has now become a global festival celebrated almost everywhere.

  • The Canadian version of Holi is little different from that of Toronto. In India, people use water guns filled with color waters to target the people around. But here, the Woodbine Beach forbid the participants to use waterworks.

  • As the Holi is celebrated in March, but due to the current weather conditions of Canada, the authority has scheduled it for April.

  • Not only people splash colors with each other, their pets also get caught in this colorful event.

  • Around 100 people unite at the Woodbine Beach to celebrate the colorful festival. The even is building connection with each other.

  • The colorful powders blow in the air to strike everyone’s head.

  • The powder puts color on everything that comes its way.

  • It is a festival celebrated at the beginning of spring to see good over bad.

  • Everyone becomes colorful and shines brightly under the warm sun of spring.

  • The not-worry-part is that these color dyes or stains that put color on clothes and everywhere is easily washable.

Enjoy the colors as it is the sign of happiness. Happy Holi to all those who are celebrating!

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