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The Sky-High Parking Prices in Yaletown, Olivia Munn finds it Unbelievable!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : March 27, 2018 2310
The Sky-High Parking Prices in Yaletown, Olivia Munn finds it Unbelievable!

Olivia Munn wanted to have a delicious dinner so she went to Yaletown to bless her stomach. But unfortunately, she came across something that she couldn’t even believe. The Story is just below.  

This American actress, who is now a 37 years old lady, has recently got back to Vancouver as her Instagram account has revealed it through her pictures and posts.

She played fantastic roles in movies like X-Men: Apocalypse, Ride Along 2, Office Christmas Party, Magic Mike, The Newsroom, Iron Man, and Zoolander

Born in Oklahoma, the United States, Olivia is here again in the city for the re-shooting of her movie The Predator (otherwise known as The Predator 4).

Last Sunday, Olivia was here in Vancouver’s Yaletown and suddenly her Instagram story flooded with parking prices in Vancouver.

“We are here in Canada putting in our quarters,” Munn says, as she and her friends laughed. “We put 17 quarters in so far… We want to have dinner”

“It’s been $72,” she joked, adding that “Canada appears to take American money.”.

Her neck shined with a diamond necklace, doubted what if she would have given an extra 5 minutes on the meter because of her necklace.  

This is what Yaletown is in all its limelight and you are most welcome Olivia Munn.

You can search her hilarious video on Instagram which she made with her friends.

This sky-high price of parking in Vancouver could increase more if the city government goes with its plan of getting rid of around 80 to 150 street parking stalls which the city is currently surrounded with. This plan is to make wider areas for heavy fire trucks as these street parking stalls are being an obstacle in their way.

Apart from that, keep loving Vancouver and the place you live in!

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