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Tim Hortons has Fallen Down from 4th to 50th Position – Canadian brand Reputation Survey!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : April 06, 2018 2114
Tim Hortons has Fallen Down from 4th to 50th Position – Canadian brand Reputation Survey!

Canadian Brand Reputation Survey has kicked out Tim Hortons from 4th to 50th position. The very famous brand has really suffered a lot.

This 2018 Corporate Reputation Study was put forward by Leger that showed Tim Hortons couldn’t make up its position as it has badly gone down from a fancy 4th position to unexpected 50th one.

“Most of us would think this company would be forever in our top five…or at the worst top 10. Well, Tim Hortons moved from 4th place to 50th, losing a full 25 points in the process,” said Christian Bourque, Executive Vice-President of Leger.

Bourque told that it was all because of the company’s attitude towards the minimum wage which has changed the company’s popularity into a little downside.

In January, a news was displayed, saying that Tim Hortons in Ontario was making its staff out of major facilities like paid break and other incentive programs all because of the minimum wages that have been ruling upon the province since January 1, 2018.

This, in turn, boiled up the blood of employees and customers who came on streets rallying and protesting for their right. The became against of the popular national coffee and food chain and called for a boycott.

“The ‘minimum wage war’ has only one victim and it’s the corporate giant. If you think it only hurts Tim’s in Ontario, you would be wrong. It lost 17 points in Quebec right next door,” said Bourque.

According to the survey, following 10 brands are considered to be loved by Canadians.

1.    Google

2.    Shoppers Drugmart

3.    Canadian Tire

4.    Sony

5.    Samsung

6.    Microsoft

7.    Dollarama

8.    Kellogg’s

9.    Campbell’s

10.    Kraft

Leger carried out the survey with 241 companies from 28 different business sectors to know the most favored brands by Canadians. For each company, he conducted a questionnaire format filled by 2,100 Canadians.

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