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Toronto Attack: 'her daughter got shot and she was bleeding' Cafe worker, eyewitness of Danforth shooting

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : July 24, 2018 1804
Toronto Attack: 'her daughter got shot and she was bleeding' Cafe worker, eyewitness of Danforth shooting

Another same Sunday, he hoped… but ended up with a shot bleeding victim in his arms


Mr. Ashaduzzaman was at the dessert café, a young girl in her arms, bleeding… he had only thought.

"I thought, 'Are we going to lose that little girl or something? Is she going to die?'"

It was the same night for him. People were enjoying, families eating and happily loving ice-cream treat at the Caffe Demetre — part of Toronto's popular Danforth Avenue neighbourhood.

It was only then, Ashaduzzaman in back kitchen heard a gunshot. That was the first, then came another and…

"Everyone was coming into the back and everybody was gathering in the kitchen," he told the press.

Everyone believed that they will be safe at the back but that wasn’t it.

"A lady was screaming out, screaming out that her daughter got shot and she was bleeding," he mentioned.

He quickly escorted everybody into the kitchen’s back and moved the seats to see the condition of the girl. About 10 years old, the girl was lying on the ground, bleeding from her leg as her mother stopped it by a cloth.

"She was losing consciousness and I was trying to tell her, 'Don't fall asleep, just stay with us. Stay with me,'" he recalls pleading.

"I was trying to tell her not to lose consciousness, because if she loses consciousness, we could have serious trouble and she could have gone into a coma… I was trying to hold her and I was trying to wake her up. She was falling asleep, her eyes were closing and opening, closing and opening."'

He also recalls, in the meantime, the mother of the girl was crying, pleading to everyone to call 911.

The emergency crew came approx. 20 – 30 minutes off the shooting time.

Ashaduzzaman does not know after that. He is not sure if the girl is alive or is one of the two victims that fell to the shooting that shivered the Danforth strip.

Two girls, one 10 and another 18 year old woman, identified as Reese Fallon, are the one killed in the happening. The second’s girl name hasn’t been released, as wished by the family.

Post-mortem is believed to be done Today.

13 others got injured in the shooting with ages from 10 – 59 years. The shooter was 29 years old, is also dead.

Ashaduzzaman is grieved and shocked, not sure why such a happening took place.

"He didn't shoot to aim [at] someone, he just shot randomly," Ashaduzzaman said. 

Ashaduzzaman says the image of the little girl is parched in his mind. "I won't ever forget this night," he mentions.

Video: CBC News

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