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Torontonians get ready for fast in the 6 arranged at the Nathan Phillips Square!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 20, 2018 2455
Torontonians get ready for fast in the 6 arranged at the Nathan Phillips Square!

Ramadan is the Holy month that observe Muslim worldwide as a month of fasting. This is the month of countless blessings. This year, the Ramadan is observed on 11th May 2018.

In Ramadan, most of the people do charity and distribute food among the needy people. People also arrange gathering among the friends, family and relatives.

In Toronto, “fast in the 6” has been arranged for the second time. It is arranged at Nathan Phillips Square. It is planned on June 01, 2018. It is the evening of food, fun and arts. It is the evening that bring unity among the people that ultimately leads towards prosperity. It is the way to celebrate the diversity of the big city through common practice of breaking the fast. Performers are going to line up for this festival.

Cuisine during Iftar will be served. Maple Lodge Farms, Randy’s Roti, Hailed Coffee, and the Corn Cowboys in addition to many other vendors will be going to arrange food for the people of Toronto.

This will be an open festival for all the people of Toronto to come, gather and break the fast with the new strangers.  Singers Kareem Salama, Kelsi Mayne, and rapper Nehma Sis will perform the whole time. Mustafa the poet will read an amazing piece of poetry for the people. This evening will going to bring joy for all. Comedian Mo Amer, will entertain the crowd with his comedy.

Special words will be delivered by the Toronto Mayor John Tory and Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland. They will end the festival with their persuasive and appealing words. It will be the night of entertainment and fireworks.

Wishing a Happy Ramadan kareem to all Torontonians !

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