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Trudeau’s Been to Davos & The Trip Cost Taxpayers Less Than Harper’s, After Inflation!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : April 05, 2018 2618
Trudeau’s Been to Davos & The Trip Cost Taxpayers Less Than Harper’s, After Inflation!

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s been to Davos and the trip cost taxpayers around $18,000 less than that of the former Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Davos trip. The costs are calculated after inflation.

Trudeau has been in a problematic situation since The Globe and Mail informed about the cost taxpayers for attending the World Economic Forum in Switzerland with a huge $678,000. This cost is the sum of all the expenses of the PM including his accommodations, workspace, and travel for the prime minister and his delegation.

Back in 2012, the cost taxpayers for Harper’s trip was $566,780.81, according to the Public Accounts. And if it connects with today’s money, it would lie around $620,000.

A person from Global Affairs Canada said that the cost information had some error when it was provided to the Receiver General in 2012 by Global Affairs Canada. Actually, the public account website provides a figure which is off by $69,804.62, according to sources.

Now that it seems that Harper’s Davos trip cost $636,585.43 total which turns into $695,937.04 in 2018 after doing inflation by the Bank of Canada.

It is clear that Harper’s 2012 trip cost taxpayers an amount under $18,000 in today’s dollars more than that of Trudeau’s trip to the same elite event.

Some of Harper’s expenses during his 2012 trip to the elite conference didn’t go unnoticed. Harper brought about 40 staff members and a fleet of 20 vehicles to Davos. Besides the usual expenses require for any trip, there are certain other expenses also which Harper needed for the conference in 2012. He accompanied 40 staff members and 40 vehicles armada to Davos.

Andrew MacDougall, who worked in Harper’s PMO at the time, told iPolitics in an e-mail that it’s “hard to make comparisons across time” and that the $18,000 difference “isn’t exactly … astronomical.”

The huge price tags linked with Trudeau’s travel caused much anger online. Conservative MP Michelle Rempel, who was there at a time of Harper’s cabinet and visit the 2018 World Economic Forum in Davos tweeted that she was eating sandwiches because of a higher cost.

Rempel appeared on the event after her selection in the Young Global Leaders class of 2016. She tweeted that she stayed on an Airbnb, rented a car and drove when there was at least two and a half meters of snow placed on the road. Rempel said she “didn’t expense anything because it was also personal learning time.”

Trudeau isn’t new to the event as he attended it before. He crashed his and Harper’s trip with the cost of 2016 trip to Davos. Taxpayers fired with an $850,000, equals to a little more than $886,000 today.

Harper attended the event two times. His 2010 trip cost $606,959, which is equal to just below $700,000 today.

From the desk of PM’s office, it is said that the $678,000 amount is the cost of the business.

PMO Press Secretary Eleanore Catenaro proposed the event sums up the delivery of giant UPS making a $500 million investment in Canada. After Trudeau’s reaction, it is changed in $400 million in 5G technology investment in Canada as well as a commitment of $2 billion in investment over five years from cloud computing company Salesforce.

Harper did bring some milestones after his trip to Davos. In 2012, he blessed the citizens by saying that pension system would be renovated and free trade deals would be inaugurated with India and Europe.

No idea what this year’s event will bring to Canada. The thing which is sure that it would probably cost $700,000 to every Canadian.

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