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Vancouver Comes Up With a New Strategy to Limit the Use of Plastic Products!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 23, 2018 2266
Vancouver Comes Up With a New Strategy to Limit the Use of Plastic Products!

The ban on plastic straws, polystyrene foam cups, and used containers are accepted by Vancouver City Council, recently. Much discussion and debates take place on this matter.

The orders on the ban of plastic stuff will be executed on June 01, 2018. The duration of the implementation of this order is of one year. This is a very long time period to prepare our minds to follow these orders and aware others as well. The plastic material can be changed by paper products.

Cities around the world recognize the detrimental impacts of plastic waste on our environment and are taking bold steps to cut down or eliminate waste through bans and innovative reusable programs,” said Mayor Gregor Robertson in a statement.

“In Vancouver, we’re hearing strong support from local businesses, environmental groups and the general public and I’m confident that this comprehensive strategy will help us become a clean, zero-waste city.”

The City claims it is the first jurisdiction in Canada to ban plastic straws and polystyrene foam cups and take-out containers and the “first city in the world to approve a comprehensive zero waste strategic plan.”

The district government is planning a strategy to take “early actions” to put limits on the single-use bags, cups, take-out containers, utensils, and straws. The district Government is thinking to implement this strategy by the start of 2021 but if they failed to do then they put a total ban on using plastic stuff.

The district government has mentioned that Business license holder should use other operational models. For example, they should charge extra money on disposable cups and plastic products. They can use one of the following operational models for single-use items:

  • no distribution of disposable cups and plastic or paper shopping bags;

  • charging a mandatory fee for disposable cups and plastic or paper shopping bags;

  • or creating their own innovative option, such as incentives, discounts for customers who use reusable cups or bags, customer requests before distributing cups or bags, and loyalty programs for customers who bring their own reusable cups or bags.

The district Government is also interested to initiate citywide travel mug and take-out container exchange program. This strategy can provide the purchaser to use a single-use item with a deposit and return it to the situated-location around the city.

In Portland, the growing trend in limiting the use of these product has been reduced drastically. The use of the paper product has been increased by 491%. In Taiwan, the municipal Government has come up with an idea to put a ban on blankets by 2030 on using straws, cups, and shopping bags.

A study has found that 2.6 million plastic-lined paper cups and two million plastic bags are thrown in the garbage in Vancouver on a weekly basis. Half of all the single-use items are obtained from the garbage bins while plastic straws and stir sticks are among the 2% shoreline wastes of the city. The District Government is planning to turn Vancouver into a Zero Waste” city by 2040.

The city taxpayers have to pay around $2.5 million yearly for all the single-use items they collect from the garbage bins and to make the areas clean from all the litter, as the Municipal Government says. Last year, in Vancouver, the ban was put on having a balloon in the parks and in the community centers, but later, it was laid down by Park Board commissioners.

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