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Vancouver Puts Down its Nine Years Old Custom, Time to be Sad!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 29, 2018 1954
Vancouver Puts Down its Nine Years Old Custom, Time to be Sad!

One of the most awaited and identified festivals of a Canadian Culture, a largest traditional event i.e. Canada day, witness by millions of Canadians. There are a lot of activities planned and lined up for that day, every year. But, is it actually going to happen this year? Or Canada will be celebrating its 151st anniversary being alone, lone, and lonely?

Well, brace yourself ‘coz I am about to make you all shiver with a news that Vancouver is putting down its nine years old custom. Yes, it is confirmed, No More Canada Day Parade in Vancouver!!

The difficult step is taken by the Port of Vancouver on the matter of Canada Day Parade. The segment of Parade may be removed out of the Canada Day Festival, though other events may occur with the same scheduling.

The parade which happens on 1st July is considered as the most important event in Vancouver.

“As overall costs continue to increase for such a large event, we are focusing our resources on the core elements of Canada Day at Canada Place to ensure we can continue to produce the best possible event for all attendees,” says the Port

An event is organized annually with some exciting and thrilling bunch of activities including fun festival and, eatery all at the Vancouver Convention Center with free show-down of fireworks produce from a ship present on a harbor.

The largest parade of Canadians starts from West Georgia Street in the West End and ends on Burrard Street near Canada Place which consists of 6 blocks. The fireworks can be seen after the end of the parade. This is the usual custom of Vancouver since 2009.

There was a huge number of crowd and attendees, about one million at the time of Parade in 2017 causing the event to spread over two days, ending on July 2.

Because of overgrowing cost issues, this year’s Canada Day Parade has been canceled in Vancouver.

Downtown Vancouver no longer celebrates its annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade since 2017 because of such problems. Even, its Christmas Parade 2017 was unexpectedly coming to an end when TELUS appeared as the event’s sponsor. TELUS will also be sponsoring this year’s Christmas Parade.

In Summer, the largest event of Vancouver, Davie Street Party is also canceled which has been celebrated for many years. An annual budget of the year 2017, having high costs and police pricing are the main reasons for delay and interruption of Vancouver Street Party as it goes on for over the night, as said by Vancouver Pride Society. But Pride Parade will shine as it is planned.

No doubts, Canada Day Parade is one of the most dynamic events of the Port’s community.

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