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Weather Alert Canada: Enjoy this weather while it lasts, 10 degree major drop by tomorrow!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 11, 2018 2246
Weather Alert Canada: Enjoy this weather while it lasts, 10 degree major drop by tomorrow!

Guess what the weather decided to return to its full form, have fun with the weather while it is here as tomorrow it is going to be super cold.

The weather is going to be very cold in the next 24 hours.

It sure  feels like summer outside today, at a high of 20°C, Friday afternoon is going to change this in to 10 degree drop.

Sunny with a cold air is what we are expecting from tomorrow onwards.

Remember good old cold?

All you early birds we suggest to take a jacket with you it is going to be freezing soon out there.

“Friday will bring the coolest weather that we have seen so far during May,” says Weather Network meteorologist Dr. Doug Gillham. “We’ll see double-digit temperatures, but not reaching the lower teens and showers will also develop late in the afternoon or evening.”

Warmth will return to us so don't feel low, just go with the flow.

Monday is showing sunshine and a high of 23°C... and for once, we can’t wait for Monday.

Stay warm and Keep clicking MKTLIST.

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