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Weather alert Canada: The Environmental conditions will be freezing and cold starting Tuesday!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : April 02, 2018 1859
Weather alert Canada: The Environmental conditions will be freezing and cold starting Tuesday!

The climate conditions are expected to be chilled and snowy in different areas of Muskoka’s and Algonquin park. The snowfall which is likely to occur is calculated approximately about 15-20 cm. The rain drops and signs of a mist to appear in Ottawa and south edge.

 The climate agency of Canada tells that a new cycle of blistering winds is entering with a glimpse of heavy snow fall. The new season of climate is from Tuesday to Wednesday.


The Northern territories of Central Ontario should be aware of facing unexpected weather conditions. According to the forecast there are some chances of wind producing with low pressure.

Stay warm and safe and keep watching this platform for more such updates.

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