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Weather Update : Calgary Under Threat Once Again, Snowfall Warning Issued!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : March 15, 2018 2632
Weather Update : Calgary Under Threat Once Again, Snowfall Warning Issued!

There seems to be no stopping the weather any time soon, Calgary is again under alert for  heavy snowfall.

According to the weather update  heavy snowfall will head north across southern Alberta on Thursday morning, with around 10 to 15 centimeters expected in Calgary. Okotoks, Lethbridge, Red Deer and many other southern Alberta communities are also under snowfall warnings and some areas could see up to 20 centimeters before the snow taper off by Friday morning.

According to the experts  the foothills region will get the most snow when the bad weather hits the province.

While Calgarians might be sick of shovelling and scraping snow, Niskaaro said heavy snowfall is typical for Calgary as spring approaches.

There is  also expected to have  some freezing rain and intense fog overnight on Wednesday before the snow hits on Thursday. The weather channels said  they  will issue warnings if the fog or freezing rain becomes a safety concern.

There could be  another snowfall warning for Friday or Saturday.

Avoid unnecessary travel plans as it might get bad soon so try to stay safe and stay In .

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