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Weather Update Toronto: Sun Will Lurk Behind the Clouds!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : March 09, 2018 1812
Weather Update Toronto: Sun Will Lurk Behind the Clouds!

What if I tell you that from next week the sun will shine up the sky brightly and radiantly and there will be flowers and blooms all around you and when you step outside the house, the whole world turns like a heaven? Well, I know you all must get excited but wait! This is not the weather condition for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and then again, the day after tomorrow. I am sorry, just a little tickling because words have no compulsion. *wink-wink*

Still, the spring is a way too far and winter is here with all its luxuries (oops). It is going away too easily. Just a little fluctuation in the winter-spring weather conditions but every time the winter win this never-ending fight between the two seasons.

Well, besides all that formalities, the weather forecast predicts a temperature of 3 degrees. A mixture of sun and clouds is expected for the day. Mainly cloudy and there is 30% chance of flurries.

In morning, the wind will move at a rate of 20 km/h from the southwest and would reach to 40 till afternoon.

The night will bring a long veil of clouds and the temperature will fall down from 3 degrees.

In short, the winter is staying here for a long period of time in Canada!

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