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What’s more Informal, Meeting Obama or Trudeau? Seth Rogen Tells Ellen!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : April 11, 2018 1949
What’s more Informal, Meeting Obama or Trudeau? Seth Rogen Tells Ellen!

A few days back, the funniest man of Canada, Seth Rogen, was invited on The Ellen Show. During the interview, it revealed that he is having a bromance with our very own Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“So, I saw a picture of you with the Prime Minister of Canada. Where was this taken,” Ellen asked as a photo of Rogen with a smiling Trudeau appeared on a screen.

“This was taken at some house that Canada owns. He was so nice. Yeah, Canada owns a house in Hancock Park. It’s lovely, I’ve never been invited there before and then they invited me and Justin Trudeau was there,” explained Rogen.

Yes, there is a house in Hancock Park region, Los Angeles, owns by the government of Canada as it is the place of the Consul General of Canada.

As Consul General is an official man of the government and the residency, too, is an important place but been there, Roger explained, was very much easy-going experience. He said, meeting Trudeau there was far cooler and calmer than meeting the then President of the US, Barack Obama.

“I met Obama when he was president and it was a very like regimented thing. It’s like you’re brought into a room they searched me like I’m a threat. They did a lot of stuff and were like ‘You’ll have one minute with the President to confer’ or whatever,” said Rogen.

“But with [Trudeau] it was like he just showed up and was like ‘I’m going to talk to everybody’ and just walked around.”

He also accepted and admired the fact that Trudeau was “super handsome” and he regardless of his status also gave Rogen a very warm hug.

“I felt his muscles like press into my body like displacement. Like the amount of space, his muscles took up my body kind of…smeared out of the way to make room for it.”

As you all know about Ellen, it happened to divulge that in the picture Rogen’s wife Lauren Miller was also present which he cleverly cropped.

“You seem to be very impressed by him so much so that you cut your wife out of the picture. Why did you do that?” asked Ellen.

“I can’t defend that choice. People have asked me why I did it. It was just – I did it. For whatever reason, in that moment I thought it would be more special to just have a picture of me and Justin Trudeau,” laughed Rogen. “I’ve been Canadian longer than I’ve been married,” he added.

So, it clearly looks like a bromance kind of thing.

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