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When Dreams Become Real: A Brief Canadian History! Chapter 5: The Need for Government

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : May 24, 2018 1821
When Dreams Become Real: A Brief Canadian History! Chapter 5: The Need for Government

“The further you are from the sound of the guns, the less you understand.” - General Walter Natynczyk

May 6, 1990

Another week passed. I don’t know why, but to me, the time has started passing by with the speed of light. That time, I felt difficulty to even walk on the track properly so instead, I chose to sit down. Carter, until then, never said a word.

When he completed his last round on the track, came near me and said ruthlessly, “You don’t love me.”

I knew what he was going to say, “I do my son.”

“No, because if you really do, you wouldn’t have done that. See yourself, this is not you, pale skin, engraved eyes, weak body, deadly cough. Just look at yourself. Why aren’t you seeing a doctor?” His blue eyes filled with tears and that was unbearable for me. It really broke my heart.

“First of all, calm down Carter because you already know how important you are to me. Last week, I had a very busy schedule. I had to meet some official peoples. I didn’t have time. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I know I shouldn’t be careless but now I am promising you that I will definitely consult a doctor.” I hugged him and hoped that I would fulfill my promise.

“Now if you please allow me to continue the story,” I asked him and he gave just a gloomy smile.

In the 1830s, a strong urged to have a democratic environment for the Upper and Lower Canada passed on. But even in that time, some protesters stood up in the favor of adopting the American rules. This carried on from 1837-38 near Montreal and Toronto but because of very less public support, these rebels were badly defeated by the British and Canadian Volunteers. Even, the rebels were expelled and hanged. Some of them returned to Canada after that. An English leader, Sir Lord Durham passed a movement to make people of the Upper and Lower Canada aware of the growing need for responsible government. But for that, they had to be merged. It seemed that Ministers of Crown should constitute more elected bodies if they want to govern. Lord Durham also made a quite controversial scenario. He said the only way to progress and prosper, Canadians must have to adopt English culture. This equally excluded out the French people of Canada who hold a very distinct position in the country since always. Some reformers, Sir Étienne-Paschal Taché and Sir George-Étienne Cartier, also included in the Father of Confederation just like the previous Sir John A. Macdonald, a voluntary government person in Upper Canada.

I stopped as I was out of breath. I took water and sat quietly. Moments passed. Carter looked really worried and resentful altogether. I forced myself to continue the story.

Upper and Lower Canada finally became one in 1840 and by the help of reformers like Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine, and Robert Baldwin in coordination with Joseph Howe in Nova Scotia seek help of British governors to have a responsible government. It was Nova Scotia which got the first British government system in North America from 1847-48. Governor of United Canada (British colony in North America from 1841-1867), Lord Elgin, helped out with London to present a responsible government. Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine was a champion of the French language rights soon, he became the first leader of the responsible government of Canadas in 1849; a position similar to that of Prime Ministers. The system we see today i.e. loss of votes would be the loss of the government and it must, then, quit; is the mercy of 1849 era.

Carter rubbed my back as I started to cough up with a heavy sputum. I drank water and apologized him that I should stop here. I didn’t want to make him anxious and concerned so I forced a smile as if to look fine and dragged myself up off the bench, “Come, Carter, we should be walking now.”

To be Continued...

Want to walk more by the memory lanes of the Canadian history? Or just you want to mourn with Carter over grandpa’s health? For all these things, you should wait for the next chapter.

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