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Whether Misogyny was Behind the Toronto Van Attack, PM Trudeau Isn’t Sure of it!

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : April 27, 2018 1980
Whether Misogyny was Behind the Toronto Van Attack, PM Trudeau Isn’t Sure of it!

As the terrible strike of rental-van attack happened this week in Toronto, Trudeau said Canadians must not be in a rush to jump on to a conclusion about the incident so as to whether there was some Misogyny motive was behind that or not. He once again mourned with the families of victims.

The same question when asked to a Labor Minister Patty Hajdu about the Misogyny’s increasing confusion she said in a very meaningful manner that from now onwards the Canadians should take a stand about the increasing troubles against women.

Meanwhile, the questions are still making everyone confused about the fact that what made a rental-car man bump with pedestrians walking by the busy Yonge Street footpath, bleeding 10 people to death and 14 are ended in the hospital. Trudeau said that the grieved families may find it difficult to know about the Misogyny motive.

"Obviously, the investigation is ongoing and I'm not going to comment on various aspects of it," the prime minister said as he entered the weekly caucus meeting on Parliament Hill.

"But a lot of people have questions as to why, and there may or may not be actual answers," he warned.

Police are still in a doubt by investigations, somehow believed that a 25 years old suspect body posted a message which clearly identifies that attackers might be running behind the women, targeting them.

Investigations are still in pending but the first charged person is Alek Minassian who has been filed for 10 counts of first-degree murder and 13 counts of attempted murder, with a 14th attempted murder charges.

Hajdu and Trudeau both were at the caucus meeting regarding the spread Misogyny. They accepted the fact that people had pressed their lips for so long, but it is finally a time when they should speak about it.

"From my perspective, we have to have a conversation about misogyny, about the rise in hate and the connection to what some call the alt-right," said Hajdu.

"I think it's a conversation that's just not being had loudly enough in our society."

A statement from Hajdu's office later sought to distance her remarks from the ongoing investigation.

Further, a statement projected from Hajdu’s office and she smartly took a distance from all this burning news.

"The minister respects the ongoing investigation the police are doing and agrees it is inappropriate to comment on it," Carlene Variyan said in an email.

"She was simply speaking in broad terms, from her experience as a status of women minister, about the impacts of misogyny on society writ large. She was not commenting on the ongoing investigation."

Up till now, the names of the 10 death peoples have not been released yet by the authorities. People may predict anything, but was the actual cause, nobody can say it.

Trudeau hasn’t said anything about him attending the weekend memorial for the departed souls, but he will do so once, he manages to stand at a distance from the investigation.

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