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Who is more dumb: Me or my food?

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : January 29, 2018 2348
Who is more dumb: Me or my food?
Scientific study has proven that some foods are brain healthy specially when it comes to providing right amount of nutrition to your body and mind. Ongoing researches say that 3 categories of food are not exactly recommended in your daily diet and has a negative impact on your brain. It can cause extreme inflammation in the body that can reach brain region inked to memory and emotions, somethings which are required to be kept in check. 
Anyways, doctors recommended to avoid such food because it leads to obesity and heart diseases but the main problem here is resistance. Resistance to remove these yummy and mouth watering foods which please your taste buds instantly, like take-aways and sodas. 

1. Sugary drinks

The sodas and Frappuccino that people take as an emergency waking up booze, is very likely to cause you trouble. A data was collected from 4000 people in Framingham Heart Study which states that people who have higher intake of such drinks tend to have weaker memory and smaller hippocampus, a region in brain responsible for learning and memory. Highest risk is to those who consume them two times per week. 
Alternative can be, to keep a bottle of water with you filled with cucumber or lime slices to boost the flavor or switch to herbal tea instead of usual coffee. 

2. Refined carbs

Refined carbohydrates contain pasta, white rice, white bread and potatoes which are high on Glycemic Index (GI) that measures how carbs effect blood sugar levels. The higher the GI, the quicker the digestion and quicker your blood pressure level increases. 
This leads to higher production of insulin in your system causing the feeling or tiredness and fatigue. 
Alternative can be, to always pair these foods up with fruits or vegetables with lower rate of GI.

3. High fat-foods

Saturated fat foods like baked or fried foods, red meat and cheese can decrease your memory by impairing with hippocampus. These high fat foods can cause brain inflammation as well as disturb the healthy mix of gut bacteria important for brain functioning. 

Try to go meatless once or twice a week, pack a snack bag containing all the healthy items, avoid the vending machines instead go for nuts and fruits and whenever you go to a restaurant, choose foods which are not fried and has cream or cheese. By following these you and your mental health are secure and good enough to function properly. 

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