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Wild B.C. weather issues warnings, notable statements from Environment Canada!

Metro Vancouver could get heavy showers, while mountain passes in British Columbia could experience snowfall

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : October 01, 2018 2373
Wild B.C. weather issues warnings, notable statements from Environment Canada!

Metro Vancouver has been issued a warning for rainfall whereas parts of BC pass in mountains could get snowfall, as stated by Environment Canada.

Metro Vancouver has been issued a warning for rainfall whereas parts of BC pass in mountains could get snowfall, as stated by Environment Canada.

Heavy rainfall up to 60 mm is expected in areas of Metro Vancouver and Howe Sound as of Monday morning, according to Environment Canada. British Columbia has 10 regions with passes, which are expected to hit with a dump of snow. Areas including Coquihalla, the Trans-Canada Highway and Highway 3 have been mentioned.


On the other hand, Chilcotin and Yoho and Kootenay Park are said to experience snowfall up to 10 cm and 30 cm respectively.

Vehicles in the area will be required to be fitted with winter tires between October 1 and March 31 in rural highways, mountain passes and northern areas of the province.


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