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Winter Already? Snows Hits Western Part of Calgary!

Mountainous regions in the west of city experiences snowfall

Written by MKTLIST Blog Team Published On : August 28, 2018 2219
Winter Already? Snows Hits Western Part of Calgary!

If you have been waiting for winter, then get ready because the signs are already in positive.

It is believed that summer in southern Alberta might end soon. This prediction comes off as the mountains in the west of Calgary experiences snowfall in the higher elevations.

The cameras present at the Sunshine Village ski resort in Banff National Park reveal that the area is turning white way before summer hikers pack their bags to give way to skiers.  

The resorts for the skiers normally open at the start of November.

 People on Twitter started tweeting on the snowfall yesterday on the highway going west to Canmore.

The weather forecast on Monday was 12C with showers.

Snowfall is not the least common at this time of the year in Calgary. In 2014, September, Calgary experienced a severe snowfall resulting in power collapse in the city and uprooting of thousands of trees.

 For more news on weather, stay connected to MKTLIST.

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